Back in the fall, I blogged about what I was watching. My TV watching completely changed this season. I’m a 100% DVR watcher now. Actually. I’m 100% Hulu watcher even though it is also recorded on my DVR too (other than Big Bang Theory which is DVD). It’s just easier to watch it on my computer while I’m working on my laptop. I would love to cancel our DirecTV and Netflix but alas, the family would not be happy.
OK so here is what I actually ended up watching. And before you read this, there are spoilers so don’t read if you’re not up to date!
Revenge – This is another one I’d watch and say I was done but kept coming back. I just couldn’t handle not knowing what happened to Daniel in that first episode. And ya’ll! I was SO HAPPY that it wasn’t Daniel!! So happy! And so happy it WAS Tyler. AND so happy that Amanda figured out that Emily was getting it because of something she had done (I did interpret that right, right?).
Parenthood – This week’s episode totally paid off for the rest of an otherwise lackluster season. I think I cried at nearly every storyline. So. not. fair. that they’re not getting their baby. Not fair. I’m hoping she changes her mind. I think Amber should just go for Bill already and her aunt freaked out too much. I can’t decide whether I want Jasmine and Crosby together or not. I was finally getting used to the idea of them with their significant others but I do like the idea of their family being together again. I’m going to totally blank on names but I’m missing the little brothers. Also, I heard Jason Ritter’s new show got a green light and I’m PSYCHED. I love him!
Downton Abbey – Holy cow. That was the besttt season finale ever. I could watch the proposal like a zillion times over. They seriously need to patch things up with Bates’ storyline. We cannot have him in prison for the rest of our lives. Cannot! My favorite line of the entire series was delivered in that episode and to no one’s surprise came from Dowager Countess “Do you promise?” If you don’t know what scene I’m talking about, you need to rewatch that final episode immediately.
Once Upon a Time – I’ve given up on this show no less than 4 times this season. However, something keeps me coming back. My favorite episode was Snow White and Prince Charming’s episode and I hate, hate how they have Charming cheating on his wife but at the same time, I really, really want Snow and him back together. It was fantastic when Rumpelstiltskin admitted who he was. Can’t wait until this unravels.
Modern Family – I think this season has been kind of weak to be honest. Funny at times but not as good as it once was.
Big Bang Theory – OK, so we’re only on season 2 but I LOVE THIS SHOW. Sheldon is like a mix of me and Scott and we both find him to be HILARIOUS for different reasons. I will not be surprised at all if Scott starts doing acoustic tests next time we visit the theater.
Which of these do you watch? What’d you think of the season? Come on, let’s talk TV!
I atill love The Vampire Diaries. I’m not sure why this one has kept my attention but it is the only show I look forward to from week to week. It’s ridiculous considering my age but I really enjoy it!
My Mom and sisters love Revenge so that is on my summer list along with Downton Abbey. Most of the time we are watching Discovery for Matthew or TLC for Leila. She LOVES Say Yes to the Dress and Four Weddings. She even asked for Randy’s book for Christmas. We all watch Toddlers & Tiaras (I know…there is just something about the train wreck of it all) and Mythbusters is still a big one for Matt>
We have been finding that we are watching old DVD’s (Lizzie McQuire, The Olsen Twins and Kim Possible) because there is a lot of terrible TV on.
I love hearing about what you are watching. I’ve gotten some great show ideas here.
I tried vampire diaries one more time at some point and couldn’t make it through the episode. It makes me sad because I really miss Damon!
I’m a huge Revenge fan! But so ticked the season finale is next week. Since when did season finales get pushed up to Feb? Grr.
Loved Loved Loved the Downton season finale. With the exception of the ridiculous Patrick storyline this season lived up to the first season. Although I’m not looking forward to another 11 months of waiting for another season. And I’m a tad skeptical of season 3s storyline and the addition of Shirley McClain.
We’re watching BBT as I type this. Funniest show on tv, hands down! It only gets better every year. #Bazinga
The addition of Mayim Balik (Amy Farrah Fowler) for season 4 made it even more hysterical. If that’s possible.
Bazinga! We actually watched a lot of Season 4 on TBS. it’s how we got hooked. Then a guy at work lent us the whole series!
Patrick’s storyline didn’t really bother me but I’m really hoping he comes back at some point or it really will be pointless.
Revenge did a great job this season. I really didn’t see how they were going to drag all that out but I’m pretty pleased.
Good point about Patrick. I imagine we haven’t seen the last of him. Just a hunch but I can see him popping back up before Mary’s wedding to challenge the estate.
Season 2 of Revenge will be all about who killed Tyler, but after that I gotta wonder how many more people Amanda/Emily will have left to destroy. Still one of the best shows we watched all season.
Ohhh…he better not ruin that wedding!!
You’re only in season 2 of Big Bang? HOW FUN! I love Sheldon.
I actually really love The Middle. Funny and yet so real-world. Also CougarTown’s new season just started and I’m really enjoying it. Also? My guilty pleasure: Desperate Housewives.
I’ve heard good things about The Middle. I need to check it out sometime. I watched a few eps of CougarTown but couldn’t really get into it. As for Desperate Housewives I LOVED that show for years but gave it up after they did that time jump.
Lynette’s son (one of the twins)is having a baby with Susan’s daughter and she wants to give it up for adoption. :0. Seriously you need to start watching ;).
Whaatt? I had no idea they were that far along. Wow.
So glad I’m not the only one who cries/weeps at every episode of Parenthood. (You do cry at every episode right? Can we pretend?)
I feel so conflicted about Zoe’s baby. Julia has been amazing with her and I was totally feeling all of those same she-deserves-this-baby feelings until one night my husband said: “This is ridiculous. At what point are they going to realize they should just help her keep her baby?” I felt like I was hit with an emotional truck. I thought “YES.” but at the same time “No!” Still can’t figure it out.
[Big sigh.]
Oh man, I haven’t even thought of that. I just kept thinking she has no resources to take care of the baby! Give it to Julia!
I know, me too. Then my husband had to go and make it 100x more intense for me. As if I’m not already invested enough in the lives of these fake people. Arg. (I love it.)
Don’t worry, I was running a fan site for Parenthood for several months. There are a few times I almost dropped this show just to try to limit my TV hours but I just can’t do it.
I am watching Revenge {SO glad it wasn’t Daniel!} and Once Upon a Time. I agree with the cheating {sad} but desperately want Snow and Charming to work it out! I can’t wait to see more. When is the finale? I was so sad there wasn’t a new eppy to watch this week. I’m a total Hulu watcher too.
I also started out watching Glee but I just can’t do it anymore.
I also watch Grimm {altho I really don’t LOVE it, but I watch anyway} and House. Another one I watch but I’m behind on is Terra Nova, because I’m a huge fan of Jason O’Mara.
I think season finales are the next episodes but I have no idea when they are.
I gave up Glee a loong time ago. Have you watched the pilot for Smash? If you like Glee, you will probably like it.
I gave up House but only because of time constraints. Still love it and watch it if Scott has it on.