I promise I have serious thoughts rolling around my brain but today is another fun post. I got a little carried away in Photoshop trying to determine if I needed a new headboard and if I did, what it ought to look like. Please, Photoshop experts, look away! Look away, I say! Just kidding, I really need your input too.
Here’s what it looks like now:
And ten options. Saying it’s the Top 10 options might be stretching it but here are 10 nonetheless. Also, I’m wanting to change the bedspread too but there was no way my brain could handle all those options at once.
1 – Sleigh. Too traditional for us.
2 – The Blue Nailhead. I think it’s too much color fighting against each other.
3 – The graphic wood. Love, love but is it too much pattern?
4 - The four poster. This feels more like a master bedroom to me.
5 –The Tan Zebra (ugh, no)
6 – The Tufted Blue. I really like this style but again, the is the blue too much color?
7 – The African. Not formal enough?
8 – The Asian. Not a fan of this with the lamps.
9 – The Basket Weave. Too casual I think.
10 – The Tufted Cream. I like this but not with the brown bedspread.
I think the four-poster one might be my favorite. However, one of the tufted ones would be the cheapest alternative since we could just cover what we have. What say you?
This post is linked up to ohAmanda.com
I’m a big fan of the nailhead & tufted headboards for your room, but I don’t like those particular shades of blue. If you could pick up the shade that’s more like the pop of blue in those chairs that would be great. And you could always try green similar to the new couch.
The graphic wood is also a great choice! I don’t think it’s too much of a pattern at all.
I love that graphic one. I just wonder too how hard it would be to find a picture to go with that that didn’t compete too much.
Love the 4 poster bed. By far my favorite. I think it helps bring height and balance to the room.
Do you remember when we lived at Hayword Lane I had the 4 poster bed that your dad made from 4 X 4 boards that I covered in fabric? An option maybe that Scott could make.
Yes, I thought of that. I’m just need to go check if my chandelier is in the way for a 4 poster
well it’s good to know mom and me picked the same one. 4 poster was by far my fav.
I’m with your family on this one. The 4 poster makes it so formal and elegant, but it’s still comfortable and not too “fussy” looking. I love it. (Love the couch and the chairs, by the way. LOVE THEM.)
Thanks, Jenny.
Holy cow! I just looked and that four poster bed from Pottery Barn is $1600!!! I think I’m going to have to put Scott to work?
$1600??? Is it made of heirloom wood from the home of a former King? :)I’m with you- get Scott to do it. That’s why we married handy men, lol.
Haha. You would think! Alternatively, I think this is the perfect occasion for a trip to Waxhaw!
my 2nd choice would be #6 but not in blue. and I think I’d have to see what mom is talking about bc what I remember of Hayword Lane is making me wanna scream NOOOOOOOOOOO
But is it a BIG FAT Nooooo?? LOL
Well I will say that if I had the choice it would be would tone like in the picture you have. Not fabric! So don’t worry Heather. Plus that was cream moire!!
I say the chairs are so adorable no one will ever notice the headboard!!!
Ah, thanks, Amanda! They do make me so happy.
First of all, your Photoshopping skills are fab!
Second of all, I agree that the four-poster is by far my favorite. It adds architectural interest to the room, which looks like it needs a big structural focal point that the beautiful details – like the chairs and the smaller couch – can play off of.
Something to consider – you can also get a bed with posters, that aren’t quite four-posters, if you don’t want the full height and top. I got this bed: http://www.stanleyfurniture.com/filter/Collection/Shelter_Island and while I had to save up for two years for my bedroom furniture, I could not be happier. It looks stunning, it will last forever it’s so sturdy, and when I damaged it slightly (of my own fault completely) they replaced the piece in question for free.
Good idea! That bed is gorgeous!
I really like #3 The graphic wood. I think it would fit right in and look great!
I like the four poster as well…as long as it doesn’t hinder your view of the Big Bank Theory…
I really like #3.
And seriously — what a cozy and inviting bedroom! Love it!
I like the four poster one. It can be modern and traditional. One of my friends got one from an unfishished wood place and finished it for his wife. The graphic wood one is my favorite but it would be hard to dust all those cut-outs.
Do you know where? I’d be willing to get it unfinished.
I love that you pointed out the dusting! Hadn’t thought of that!
I’m not sure where they got it but I will check for sure.