Chelsea – First off, that was really the first I’ve seen her personal side and she seems really down to earth and sweet. As for the song, Carrie Underwood makes singing look effortless but that didn’t feel effortless. She seems like a good enough singer but maybe she ran out of umph.
Erika – She really has a beautiful big voice but the performance was lackluster. That was definitely not Cher quality.
Jennifer – Wow these girls are really picking top notch folks to be compared to. Sadly, this doesn’t compare in the least. Adele drips emotion when she sings and this felt like a karaoke number
Ps what is with the judges? I still miss Simon!
Brielle – What was she trying to do with that song? I don’t know. Whatever it was didn’t work for me.
Hallie – She kind of lost it towards the end but she was the first one who actually put on a decent performance. It wasn’t perfect but it was the best so far for me.
Skylar – Why does it look like she is wearing party streamers? Hm, I’m not sure what to think about that performance. She sounded good and obviously feels comfortable on stage. Just a little manic I think. I did appreciate the Reba quality to it though.
Baylie – She is so pretty but I think nerves got ahold of her or something. Parts of that were painful. Wow, judges, thank you for actually agreeing.
Tonight is not going well for me. I feel like I’m being super negative. I hope this gets better.
Hollie – Ok I’ve decided there’s something wrong with the sound. She was having a really hard time staying with the music, especially in the beginning. She has a beautiful voice though. Really hope she goes through.
Haley – ew. That was awful. She was yelling and uncontrolled and…just no.
Shannon – Now that was a great vocal. Great passion. Great performance. The only negative I would say is it felt a little pageant-y with the dress and song message. But seriously good. I had chills for like 30 seconds straight.
Jessica – The beginning was sketchy but she was amazing towards the end. I think that was the best vocal of the night so far.
Elise – Ok that still wasn’t Adele but it was gorgeous and like expected, she was comfortable on stage. Definitely one of the best of the night.
Favorites of the night: Elise, Jessica and Shannon
In trouble: Baylie and Haley
So if this doesn’t get better I’m not sure I’ll be blogging this whole season. Tonight was painful for me.
Who was your favorite?
Agree. The judges not giving as much criticism as they need. Dave told me I should be JLO – I’m sure in more ways than one… Anyhoo, I was expecting so much more because it seemed everyone was so talented early on. I guess some crumbled under the pressure. I totally agreed that Shannon’s was pageanty, but I like her and she seems like a truly ‘nice’ girl and she’s beautiful without feeling the need to be overtly sexy, which is refreshing. I think Jessica has a ton of potential and Skylar has superstar potential – she’s just got to work on control, which probably has a little to do with age…
Yes, definitely think it was a huge case of nerves and really do think something was up with the sound. Maybe with the new stage they don’t have it worked out right yet.