OK so last Tuesday I posted all the options for a headboard in our master bedroom. Out of the blue, this four poster bed came charging out as the obvious winner.
I mean, never in my dreams have I envisioned a four poster bed in there. Usually those huge four poster beds are way too traditional for my taste. I picked that bed last minute as an off-the-wall choice. But something about seeing it in the room was like a magic slipper. Pumpkins turned to coaches and suddenly my bedroom had its ball gown. Or something like that. I just knew it was right.
I hadn’t even paid attention where I had grabbed that image from and was disappointed to find out it was Pottery Barn.
Pottery Barn is gorgeous but I am way too cheap to buy something full-price there and this bed especially was just too much. Technically I had the money to buy it but I just couldn’t. And there’s your tidbit for today. Just because you have the money to buy something doesn’t mean you should. More on that later.
A quick Craigslist search turned up nothing but those big traditional four poster beds of my nightmares. I called a local furniture shop last last week where I got the mirrored nightstands and while they solidly beat Pottery Barn’s price it was still just too much. I couldn’t find peace in getting it. As with all decorating dilemmas, Mom declared we’d just hold out and watch Craigslist.
Mom calls me Sunday night and says, “I found your bed, go look at your email.” I was already in bed so I checked my phone and I’m pretty sure I heard angels singing. It was the perfect bed. Better than ANY of the four poster beds I had found. If I could have dreamed up a perfect four poster bed, this would be it. But like any Craigslist ad, you have no idea if someone had beaten you to the punch. I immediately texted the person as the ad suggested. No response. Mom got antsy and while I refused to call them at 9 on a Sunday night, she called and left a voicemail. I emailed them while she did that. The person must have gotten the hint we were interested because a few minutes later I got a text back saying we could come see it the next day.
Of course the price was still more than I wanted to pay. Bassett had lowered the price where they had gotten it just a year ago and honestly, I could have paid a little more for a brand new one, especially if this used one was damaged in any way. I had all kinds of tactics on how to talk them down but my mother, the Craigslist expert, said to simply say the price had been lowered and ask what was the least they would take. Once again, mother knows best because they lowered the price on the spot so much I’m pretty sure I heard those angels singing again and I had to suppress a giggle because finally THE PRICE WAS RIGHT.
Transporting the thing is an entire other post but let’s just say we almost had to go back and pick it up in something other than Scott’s truck. But we got it safely home and Scott was a champ and put it together right away. Ya’ll, I could barely contain myself. I’m not kidding when I say I nearly cried.
I wanted to feel guilty for all this stuff we’ve bought for our room. I mean, my heart is still torn by all the needs around me. Part of me can hardly appreciate it. I’m not beyond tearing it all down and taking it back when I feel it’s the right thing to do. But I’ll be transparent here and say that God keeps whispering, “Enjoy it, Amy. Enjoy it.”
My heart keeps getting pulled back to two things. First, is the Garden of Eden. God said it was created for enjoyment. In our own little way, our master bedroom is turning into our own little garden to enjoy. I’m excited about that room and it is a sanctuary for me and Scott. Scott and I have been through some rough times but it is such a blessing to lay in that room together and the room just radiates everything beautiful we love. I can’t explain it except to say in a weird way a four poster bed and a lime green couch is bringing us closer.
The other moment my mind keeps going to is Mary just before Jesus’ death. Mary poured an expensive perfume on Jesus and his disciple Judas chastised her saying it could be used for the poor (although he was really just being greedy). Jesus corrected him and said no, you will always have the poor but you will not always have me. Jesus isn’t sleeping in our four poster bed with us but as I mentioned, our marriage is growing stronger and ya’ll, I can’t quit thanking Him for giving us a four poster bed. In the end, He does get the glory and for whatever reason, God has decided to bless us with this room. This doesn’t mean we’ve stopped helping the poor. If anything, it spurs us on to give even more because we have been so blessed.
So all that to say I love our bed and I think it’s ok. And speaking of, Lexi HATED the idea of getting this bed. There were tears and pouting. She just hates change. She was not happy even after she saw it in the room, actually especially after she saw it in the room. But this morning, she came in the room, hugged one of the posters and said I love it. I don’t understand that girl but I think we’re all on board that it’s a winner, folks.
Next on the list is to find the right comforter and artwork above the bed and couch. I feel Photoshop calling my name.
It is lovely!
Thanks, Jen!
Amy, it’s absolutely gorgeous. I have to laugh, though, when you tell stories about how anti-change Lexi is because I was *exactly* the same as a kid. It’s nice to know it wasn’t just me!
Sarah, seriously, we should talk. How do I make these transitions easier for her? I love change so I can’t logically walk her through these changes. I try to have her think her happy thoughts…mommy loves it, it makes our house prettier, it’s ok if she doesn’t like it, etc but it almost seems to make it worse. But I can’t handle all the crying every single time something changes. Give me some tips!
It’s beautiful, Amy. It really does polish off that room with a regal touch. You two deserve a special sanctuary all of your own. You have really transformed your home into a calming retreat. Did you know you had such interior design talent? It’s gorgeous. And you’re so right – being blessed just drives us to bless others with abundance! Enjoy it
Thank you! I guess I get it honest since my mom’s a decorator. I still claim ignorance when it comes to the accessories though. Not good at all the little things around the room.
Amy it is absolutely gorgeous, a place of rest and tranquility. Where you can renew your spirit, and have that special time alone with God. Where you can really feels blessed and thankful for all the blessings that God has given You.
You and Scott have done so much for others, this is just one way God is giving back to you for blessing others. Just except it as God’s blessings for a job well done. Can you not hear Him saying, THANKS for your obedience, for listening to me, for showing my love to others, thru all this beauty. What and awesome blessing that can be shared with the love of God all over it.