Since finishing the Bible a few weeks ago, I struggled to get back into a reading routine. I have a stack of probably 20 books I’ve queued to read and yet I couldn’t jump into them. But there’s this one book that has completely captured my attention and it was suggested by one of the ladies in our Bible in 90 Days accountability group. The Promised One: Seeing Jesus in Genesis.
I love Genesis. I’m almost certain it is one of my favorite books of the Bible. Once you start seeing the Bible for the story it is, the connections to Jesus and the full circle moments are astounding. For anyone that would say the Old Testament is unessential or antiquated I’d beg you to start reading. The intricacies that God planned out are just beautiful.
The Promised One’s first section was on the creation. I was shocked to see the similarities between the creation story and Jesus. Here are just a few:
Genesis | Reference to Jesus |
In the beginning God created. | Jesus was the Word going out at creation and doing the work of creation Ps. 33:6 and John 1:1-3 |
The Spirit of God hovered over the emptiness before creation | The Spirit came upon Mary to conceive Luke 1:34-35 |
And there was light | Jesus is the great light Isa 9:2 and John 8:12 |
Let us make man in our images, after our likeness | Jesus is the exact representation of God Col 1:15 and Hebrews 1:3 |
The connections goes on through Genesis 1. I don’t want to list them all because I don’t want to spoil it. It’s such a rush looking these up and seeing them. Really seeing them. Of course I’d heard all of these in bits and pieces but to bring it all together like this is pretty amazing.
The one that really got me today was in the second section where we study the fall of man.
Genesis | Reference to Jesus |
“They heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day.” | Luke 19:10 says Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost |
Let that sink in for a moment. In the same way that God came looking for Adam and Eve in the garden, knowing they had done the one thing they weren’t supposed to, Jesus came into our world seeking us in our sin. He seeks us in our sin. Do you get that? He’s not a God that pushes us by the wayside when we do something wrong. He doesn’t leave us to figure it out on our own. He seeks us. Just like he said to Adam and Eve, he says “Where are you?” “What have you done?” Not to condemn us but to bring forth a confession in order to redeem us and bring us back to Him. Yes, I’ve heard this before but something stirred fresh inside me this morning when I thought again of his great love for me.
I don’t know why this just came to me, but Beth Moore’s sister has a powerful story of how God absolutely chased her down in the pit of alcoholism and redeemed her life. Whether it’s an addiction or indifference, he’s still seeking.
So here’s my challenge for today. Jesus is walking with you. He wants to talk to you. He’s seeking you out just as you are. Answer him.
Oh my. This just hit me like a ton of bricks:
“He’s not a God that pushes us by the wayside when we do something wrong. He doesn’t leave us to figure it out on our own. He seeks us.”
I think so often I get caught up in the shame cycle or remorse & then beating myself up for my sins that it never occurs to me that Jesus is seeking me out ESPECIALLY when I sin. I didn’t grow up in a family that was very merciful or forgiving. Shame & punishment were methods used most often. But I’m finally learning that redemption doesn’t come from shame & hiding. That’s not God’s way and Genesis proves it never was. He seeks me when I sin. I think He wants us to sin quickly – meaning when we fall: repent, receive grace, and get about the business of moving forward.
He seeks me when I sin. I’m going to be chewing on this all day. Thanks so much Amy.
Yes, Ally! You got it! While we do have consequences to our sin God is not about the business of shaming us and certainly doesn’t want us hiding, especially from him. I like that idea of sinning quickly. None of us are perfect, but we can all quickly repent and move on. Thanks for responding, I love knowing when God strikes a nerve with someone else.