Friday night was a tad unusual for us. First off, I need to tell you about dinner. I fixed spaghetti but this time I used quinoa noodles. Both girls had seconds and Scott declared it the best spaghetti I’d ever made. For local folks, I got them right off the shelves at Harris Teeter. I love that their tag line is “You’ll never go back to ‘plain’ noodles again.” It’s all true. We won’t.
So after our delicious spaghetti, I got the kids off to Scott’s parents’ for the night but Scott had been at the chiropractor’s office since lunch time. He had agreed to trade out some work but realized quickly that he bit off a bit more than he could chew. So after I took the girls, I headed to the office with him and helped him clean. He had taken down a wall so there was dry wall dust everywhere. I had my Dyson and I have to say it was a tad weird to vacuum the elevator in the same building where I used to take my kids to the pediatrician. You know those moments where you go in one place when it’s being used for what you’re used to and then you go when it’s closed, everything seems eerie? Like maybe the church sanctuary when all the lights are shut off? It was that kind of weird. Like, I used to carry my baby in this elevator when she was 3 months old to get shots in the office on the 2nd floor and now she’s 9 staying with her grandparents and I’m vacuuming it at 9:30 on a Friday night. Just weird. ANYWAY.
Saturday morning Scott and I decided to get some errands done. I somehow managed to get him to go to Hobby Lobby with me. I bought some candles that have timers on them for my new sconces in my bedroom. They come on at whatever time you turn them on and then stay on for five hours. I love walking into the bedroom after the day and seeing them on.
After that, we went to a local farmer’s market to get some dirt for my new raised beds Scott built for me. Yes, we are actually doing this. I will have a victory dance the first time I eat a vegetable from my garden. In fact, I may not eat it. I might just set it on a shelf like a prize. Just kidding. I’m going to eat it. Actually, I may have to sell it to pay for all the wood and dirt.
Saturday evening we headed out for some Mexican. It was the first time we’d eaten out in nearly 2 weeks and I admit it felt a little like I was cheating on my kitchen. I was disappointed to find out they put flour in their refried beans. What’s a Mexican trip without refried beans and rice? Well, a taco and a lot of chips and salsa it turns out. It was still yummy and it was nice to get a break from cooking.
Sunday was church, dinner at Scott’s parents’, an afternoon at my parents’ and a whole lot of grocery shopping. I’m telling you, the grocery bill hurt this week. It was kind of ok the first week, uncomfortable the second and third but this fourth week of spending hundreds of dollars on groceries is downright painful. I keep telling myself it’s almost like medication. It’s healing our bodies and preventing who knows what. But still. It hurts.
Know what else hurts? The Monday morning after Daylight Savings Time switches. Scott, the early riser, is at work today and I just could not make myself get up without any sunlight outside. We got up 30 minutes late and rushed so we were only about 10 minutes behind regular schedule. But ouch. Not a great way to start a week. Hope your weekend went well and your week is great!
I’ve had the quinoa pasta & love it! My Italian husband, who’s used to made from scratch pasta via his Southern Italy born & raised Grandmother, is not a fan. Sigh.
I’m so envious of your beautiful raised beds. Wow, Scott is so talented. Those really are perfect – I can’t wait to see what you plant! We’re tilling our garden this weekend & I couldn’t be more excited
Thank you, yes, he is pretty handy to have around