Friday night did not go as planned. My mom decided last minute to have the kids overnight so Scott and I thought to hole up in our bedroom to watch the latest Big Bang Theory until AT LEAST 9 before we went to sleep (please feel the sarcasm). After spending a little time with the kids over at her house, going to see a neighbor’s horse and whatnot, we headed for home and Scott started to complain about his eyes really hurting. I noticed as we drove, our house not more than 8 minutes away, that his eyes were quickly swelling. By the time we got to the urgent care about 2 minutes from our house, we agreed he needed seen. I had seen this type of swelling one other time with my sister when we were in Wilmington one weekend and I did not want to see anymore eyes bulging. After a long wait, it was determined he was having a localized allergic reaction to something that had likely gotten on his hands when we were outside. All around his eyes were severely swollen, the doctor confirmed the whites of eyes were swollen and he was feeling it in the back of his nose and throat. He had to get a cortisone shot in his hip, get eye drops, Zyrtec and a cortisone pack to wean him off the cortisone over the week. Holy cow. We didn’t get home until 9 and with our Big Bang Theory plans shot and Scott’s inability to probably SEE the TV, we went right to sleep.
Saturday Scott woke up without the swelling so he was off to work. The weather was gorgeous when I woke up. Something about the way the sun was shining, the sky was a magnificent blue and everything seemed to be positively glowing. The kids were gone so I went outside to enjoy the weather and trim the monkey grass. I’ve never been so proud of a mound of ornamental grass. My legs are still screaming at me this morning from all the squats though.
Saturday afternoon we had plans to go to a local spring festival but the kids just weren’t into it so we stayed around the house. I had work most of the afternoon anyway and into the evening. Lexi had a sleepover Saturday night so Emma and I finished out our evening watching Zookeeper. Not our favorite. I didn’t realize until the very end all the big names that were the voices of the animals. Cher, Adam Sandler and Sylvester Stallone to name a few. I can see why it was supposed to be big but it fell flat for us.
Sunday was an awesome morning at church. I’m telling you, that sermon was a little gift from above. If you’ve been paying attention lately, money and possessions have been on my mind during this season. He talked about how we swing from prosperity theology of thinking God needs to bless us so we can give to poverty theology where we feel guilt and want to give everything away. He suggested a “generosity theology” where we give richly but we live sufficiently and have joy in both. I highly suggest that if money is a struggle for you in the least that you give it a listen. Good, good stuff.
After Sunday dinner, the rest of Sunday was spent grocery shopping and around the house. We watched Mr. Popper’s Penguins (GREAT kids movie), baking bread (OH MY WORD, I made bread! As in, the kids have a PB&J in their lunchbox made with that bread), and just generally resting.
Overall a decent weekend for us. Hope yours was great!
PB&J’s on homemade bread? You ought to get some kind of an award for that. Well done, Mom. So glad to hear Scott’s swelling is better – that sounds frightening! And I love that your church is talking about contentment. That subject has been on my mind lately, a lot.
I ate a PB&J for lunch too. It’s not as good as normal bread but much yummier than the frozen kind we’ve been getting. Wish the mix wasn’t $6.50. Ouch!