OK, this is one of those Works for Me Wednesdays where you find something new and you want to share it but you’re pretty sure everyone already does this and you’re about 33 years too late on the whole deal. But I’m just going with it.
Growing up and even until recently, we always ate an apple either the old-fashioned way or used Pampered Chef’s apple slicer to produce 8 (?) even slices. Well, recently we went somewhere and all I had was a knife and Lexi had no front teeth so I ended up slicing off thin pieces of apples for her. She LOVED it. In fact, we all do. We call them apple chips.
Something about them being thin and easy to eat a whole slice at one time. Or the texture seems better. Maybe they remind us of potato chips. I can’t exactly figure it out but getting the kids to eat an apple is now a cinch! Just plop a bowl in front of them and they disappear as fast as a bag of potato chips. Give it a try. It works for me!
This post is linked with We Are That Family
I caught a Paula Deen show a few weeks back & she mentioned how her mother spoiled her by carving off very thin apple slices. There’s something about the thinness that makes them taste sweeter, according to her. I love ’em that way too. But I won’t eat an apple whole. Weird.
See! Paula Deen said it’s different too LOL I can’t imagine slicing them thinner would actually make them different but they really do seem to taste better!
My kids are MUCH less apt to eat it if I just plop the whole apple in front of them. They will do it and I’ve seen them fight over an apple whole but this is just no question they love it.