Gah, two recipe posts in one week, back-to-back, no less? Promise I’m not going to become a gluten-free recipe site but do you see this?
Mmmm. Gluten-free or not, this must be shared and must be shared immediately.
I had some Bob’s Mill All Purpose gluten-free flour on hand so I went with this pie crust recipe. Next time, I’ll cover the edges with foil, be sure to poke holes in the bottom and maybe knock off about a minute. My oven is rather toasty compared to others. Now to be fair, a gluten-free crust isn’t nearly as yummy as a regular, but it’s definitely good and honestly I’m not sure anyone would know the difference if you didn’t tell them.
The filling I got from this recipe. You basically cook some strawberries, water and sugar and thicken with corn starch and then fold in whole strawberries to your cooked strawberry mixture. I don’t like big strawberries to bite into in the pie, so I cut the second batch of strawberries into halves and quarters. But my favorite part about this one? You can see it a little in this picture but there’s a layer of sugary cream cheese on the bottom of this pie. I said yum, right?
Neither of these recipes were hard or time consuming on each step but a little time consuming overall because you have to cool things in between steps and then you have to let it all set in the fridge. Definitely give yourself time on this one. In any case, make one while the strawberries are good and juicy. If you’re in my area, be sure to get your strawberries from The Peach Stand. We’re actually looking forward to going strawberry picking soon and this gives me just the motivation!
Again… Holy wow. That really looks amazing. Your pie turned out so pretty, Amy! I almost wouldn’t’ want to cut into it. But I certainly would
I’ve got both of your recipes bookmarked & I can’t wait to make both. Keep ’em comin – you’re starting a G-free movement!