Round 1
Joshua – I see how they struggled whether to give him something modern. Because I really, really struggle with trying to see how he fits in today’s music. I’ve said this before but I really need him to show me HOW he’s going to make a song modern. I need one of those Kris Allen or Phillip Phillips moments where I see how it’s done. Perhaps he’s going to rely on the musicians, producers and songwriters around him once he gets his deal but I sure would like someone that has that vision on his own. But, all that said he sure can SANG.
Jessica – Gosh, I think I was supposed to like that. I almost felt like she was a mini JLo while she was singing. The beginning was nice for me but I think by the end she got sloppy and I didn’t care for all those runs she was doing. Plus, I couldn’t even understand what she was saying half the time.
Phillip – Phillip is awesome. Love that Steven said he could be the new Bruce Springsteen. So spot on. Really felt like Randy that he totally owned that and it was like a Phillip Phillips concert. I hope he wins!!
Round 2
Joshua – Now that is a little more in the direction of what I can see him doing. He just has such a passion behind his voice that is so rare. Can’t believe there was no standing ovation for that.
Jessica – Sorry, but I think Lauren Alaina spoiled me forever with her version last year. What is with me and Jessica? I just can’t find it in me to be super supportive. She has such a wonderful voice. I think I just need her to be a few years older to have some life behind her so I can believe what she sings.
Phillip – That wasn’t my favorite ever but it’s another one of those songs I could put on repeat all day and be ok. What is the judges’ problem?
Round 3
Joshua – AHHHHHH, that was just amazing and exactly what I wanted to see from him. Bring him into this decade and he blows every single person out of the water. He knows how to perform and he knows how to sing and oh my word. That was my favorite Joshua performance this season.
Jessica – OK so that was a great song for her. She sounded beautiful. But I was totally and completely unengaged. It was almost like really nice elevator music that you just tune in a few times. You don’t take issue with it but you don’t jump up and down. It’s just…nice.
Phillip – AHHHHH That was a genius move by Jimmy. I was afraid Phillip might not pull it off but he totally did. SO GOOD.
Favorites: Round 1 goes to Phillip. Round 2 was a wash for me but I guess I’d pick Phillip. Round 3 I don’t think I can pick between Joshua and Phillip. I think I have to go with Joshua.
In trouble: Yikes, this is it!! Ok, hands down I want Phillip and Joshua so I’m voting Jessica out.
The judges criticized Phillip’s cover of “Disease” as being subdued, but I thought it was a smoldering performance. That he held back was perfectly in sync with the message of the song. And I love, love, love that he keeps bringing Mindi Abair in for accompaniment!!
I thought it was especially touching how openly emotional and affectionate Phillip’s Dad was. As a Dad myself, it really tugged at my heart when he was describing how it made him feel to get to see his son living his dreams.
You’re totally right about Jessica – she lacks the maturity for the words to have any authenticity. I thought her Jackson 5 cover was really lackluster – at 12, Michael Jackson had more connection the the material than Jessica did.
Joshua’s cover of the Mary J. Blige song was nice, but again, he was completely disconnected from the meaning of the lyrics. I didn’t think it was a strong choice for him.
I grow more and more weary of the judges. They’re all but worthless with their gushy, doting praise and scant helpful remarks. Without Jimmy, this show would tank. He’s the voice of reason since we no longer have Simon around to deliver unvarnished opinions.
Agreed..Phillip was way better on Disease than the judges said.
Yes! Phillip’s dad was so awesome.
Very nice point about Michael being able to handle that song at 12. Perhaps it’s not a maturity thing?
I have to vehemently disagree (Sorry) about Joshua and No More Drama. I felt that he very much connected with the song, especially at the end. I think it might be my favorite performance of the whole season.
And finally, yes. The judges are pretty pointless. Jimmy is definitely saving the show. I hope he replaces Steven or Jennifer next year as an official judge although I appreciate he is in rehearsals with them. Really, really miss Simon.
Maybe they need to recruit another Brit to replace Steven Tyler – like maybe Elton John! I can SO see him letting loose with both barrels! I’d sure love it if they replaced JLo with someone who’s an actual singer, rather than just a cut-rate booty-shaking performer. In spite of all of his “Yo!” fluff, I’ve gotta admit that Randy is usually the most constructive judge, although not by a large margin.
I’ve never been much of a Joshua fan but I thought his performances last week were better.
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