I’m really bad at plants. Emma got me a plant for Mother’s day two years ago and said, “Don’t kill this one.” It’s why this gardening thing is so fascinating to me. It feels nothing short of a miracle when I pick something out of the garden and then feel comfortable enough to actually stick it in my mouth.
One thing that seems most elusive is growing a plant from a seed. For my garden, I got starter plants. I figure the worst part is behind me and I had a good running start to the whole business.
There was one plant though that I couldn’t find a starter plant for, so I had to buy the seeds. I hemmed and hawed over buying them, sure it would be a waste of money. *I* couldn’t do that. I had failed before I even started.
I broke down the other week and bought the seeds. I let them sit on the counter for a while. Why even try? Do I want to feel like a failure? I don’t need any more confirmation that I can’t keep a plant alive, much less start a new one.
I got brave a few days ago and stuck the seeds an inch of soil in an extra pot I had. I watered it, making sure it was wet like I’d heard. And then I sort of gave up hope. It will never come up, but just in case I’ll water it some. At least I can say I tried. I’ll just prove what I know though…even when I try, I fail.
Lo and behold, two days later green stuff started coming up. And with a vengeance. I’d go to sleep and the next morning it’d be another inch higher. I could have sworn it was magic beans I’d planted. Magic beans that actually grew when *I* planted and watered them.
Do you ever feel like that about something in life? You’re just sure you’re going to fail? You’ve always failed in the past and you’d really like for it to go well but you just know you’re not good enough? Sometimes we’ve failed before we’ve even tried. Most of the time, our efforts are only half-hearted. We try just enough to check a box that we did it, but only to prove that it wasn’t worth trying to begin with.
But can I suggest you can do it? Whatever your “it” is. Sure, you might need to put a little more effort in or learn something new or get some help but you can. You really can.
Just like life, plant the seed, nourish it, watch it grow. Some days it will be full of life, some days a bit droopy but keep nourishing it an it will grow right before our very lives. My little seed, Jake, is turning into a wonderful young man.
*eyes not lives
Yes, I was just thinking parenting is a lot like gardening too