I sat in a two hour quarterly meeting at work this morning. To be honest I usually don’t look forward to these rah-rah business meetings. But today we had a guest speaker. Mike Lipkin is a traveling motivational speaker and while there was a lot of rah-rah, be-a-better-employee type of talk, I was feverishly taking notes. He presented his ten laws to Living Above the Line . I found that they were applicable in all sorts of ways, one of which being the why and how I manage this blog.
At one point, he asked about our 60 second stadium pitch. Many of you probably have heard of a 60 second elevator pitch. Potential authors are trained to have one. If stuck in an elevator with an agent, how can you pitch your book between floors well enough that they get what your book is about AND care about it. Well, the stadium pitch he referred to is what you’re going to say if you get 60 seconds to speak to 70,000 people in a stadium.
I don’t know about you but that thought is pretty daunting. It made me think about this blog though. If this is my mini stadium, what, ultimately, am I trying to communicate? I haven’t come close to reaching 70,000 on this blog but what if? What if I stumble upon 70,000 viewers and they give me 60 seconds before they click the little "x"?
So I stepped back to define why I’m here. And the short of why I’m here is you. If I wanted to write to myself, I’d keep all my posts on 750words.com and call it a day. For that matter, I’d start up Word and type it out to my heart’s content. But it’s about you. I want so desperately to connect with you. YOU. The one reading these words. I have this belief that God created us in such a way that we need each other and are spurred on by one another. We can’t do life in a silo. And so we must have that connection point. That one thing we have in common so we then begin exchanging. And if we’re lucky, we keep finding connection points until one day we can call each other friends. And friends are pretty great. Sometimes we connect over a TV show or sometimes we connect over a simple helpful tip. Sometimes whatever God is teaching me, is what He’s trying to teach you too. But we can’t expect to connect until one of us reaches out and shows who we really are. So this blog is my attempt to lay me on the line. To say, this is who I am, do you connect with any of it? I read blogs to find more connection points. Who are those people that I can learn from? Be encouraged by? Encourage? Support?
My ultimate hope is I am just a pass-through connection to God. A big finger pointing to Christ. Even if you don’t agree with me and find me lacking that you will see that above and through it all, God is real to me and He can be real to you too. And I suppose in the end, that defines my stadium pitch. If I had 60 seconds I’d take every one to point to Christ.
And while I get my stadium pitch is important because it tells you what I’m about, I see this blog a lot more like me walking from stadium seat to stadium seat telling you stories, looking for those connections. I’d sure love to support you, encourage you and help you in any way I can. It’s what friends do.
I’ve always said that I blog for relationship … not fame! There is no doubt that the numbers, when they go up, are pleasant, but I would give them up in a heartbeat if I had to choose between stats and friendships! In a way … I guess we DO make that choice! When we write what we know our regulars need, or want, to hear about rather than what the experts tell us will sell our writing. When we share our LIVES and our HEARTS instead of some inane little topic on which we happen to have some measure of knowledge. When we risk rejection by being open and honest with our hurts, trials, and failures! Those things make us FRIEND to few rather than FAMOUS to many. And I’m okay with that!
Beth Zimmerman recently posted…Haiti Mission Team
So true. I have to say when I started blogging I was blogging just for me. More like journalling. But over time I’ve realized what I’m truly after is that relationship.
I, for one, like your stadium pitch, Amy. Yes, friends are good. I like what you said about pointing to God, sharing who you are, connecting with people, hearing their story, and offering something they may be needing. Beautiful!
Thank you, Mandy! I think it’s the first time in several years I’ve really thought about why I still blog. Feels good to flesh that out.
Amy I am so thankful that you are open to sharing your heart with others. We all sometimes face the same things in life. God gives you the desire to share your story, your heart, your love so that others can be blessed also. Being open and honest with your feelings is sometimes hard, but I know God has blessed you greatly and He will continue to bless you as you share your life with Him to others. You have blessed me and ministered to me more times than you will ever know.
I have to say this blog has been great for me to open up when I’m just not able to do it in person. Perhaps I should be able to but in any case I definitely think it’s helped.
“My ultimate hope is I am just a pass-through connection to God.”
You don’t have to hope. You are definitely a pass-through connection to God for me. It’s why I love reading your space Amy. To me, you’re a spiritual mentor. I can’t even count how much I’ve learned from you and how much you’re enriched my spirit. And I love that I feel safe to tell the truth here and you’re always ready with a kind, encouraging reply. But mostly I know that you love people and love to pray for us, wanting God’s best for us. I’ll never be able to thank you (or God) enough, frankly. I love you to pieces and pray God’s best blessings for you & your family always!
Ally Garner recently posted…Mangia Monday :: Soba Noodle Salad
Ally, I love that we found each other and you are such an encouragement to me. I always look forward to your comments. You honestly keep me going sometimes!
I cannot tell you how many times I have come here and have had my spirit lifted. Sometimes it’s as simple as a photo of your beautiful family that lifts me up and other times it is to find that my struggles are not unique. I have come to you many times and burdened you with the issues on my mind and in my heart and have always been met with compassion and grace. I don’t know if you understand what a blessing you are to me!