OK it’s Wednesday and I’d really like to give you a super insightful post but let me tell you what life was like today.
This morning I had to not only do the get-ready-for-school deal by myself which is pretty normal but I also had to be at work first thing so I had to get up early since going to work in my snowflake pajama pants just wasn’t going to fly. Normally I go in the office the days Scott is off so he can help with the kids while I do my thing. I did have the foresight to make the girls’ lunches last night and pick out my clothes so I did have that going for me.
At work, I had to have my yearly goals meeting which really, I’d rather stick a fork in my eye than talk about what leadership goals I have in the workplace.
While I was off goal-ing, I was worried about Lexi who I had expected to have a minor meltdown at school at any minute. Since I was stuck at work and both my parents and Scott are out of town and the girls had a half day at school, I had to arrange for the girls to ride the bus home with a set of sisters they are both friends with. Normally I think this would be great. They’ve never ridden a bus aside from field trips and honestly I wouldn’t hate it if they decided they really liked the bus so I wouldn’t have to sit in the carpool line for 30 minutes every day. Well, Lexi had a major breakdown last night about riding the bus. She was scared to death and I just thought for sure she’d lose it. Not to mention an email from the teacher suggested I should have planned a wee bit more ahead of time and she hoped they had room on the bus for them. I ended up hightailing it home after my meeting and basically met the bus at their friends’ house and Lexi was totally fine except she said she hated the bus which means I’ll be sitting in a car line every 180 days of the school year for the next 10 years. ANYWAY.
When we got home we found a dead frog in the pond that I know I’m going to have to get out eventually because Scott is gone. Then we realized the cleaning ladies (bless their hearts) had locked us out of our house. I had to lift and push Lexi through an unlocked window to get us in. And THEN I found a dead BIRD in our pool (THAT IS STILL NOT CLEAR). That’ll clog a skimmer, folks.
In the meantime, I’m juggling calls from people I really want and NEED to talk to and in the back of my mind planning this:
Katrina from The Poorganic Life has invited bloggers to blog their way through Jen Hatmaker’s 7 book, taking 7 weeks of the summer to do each of the 7 challenges from the book. And I promise to have a detailed post up tomorrow about what I’m doing starting this weekend but in the meantime, you may want to sneak a peek at what’s going on because it’s coming and you’re going to want to get the book and be involved.
Oh and I’m WORKING in between all this because I have GOALS, people. So. Today was crazy and you’re not going to get a wonderfully insightful post except to say, dear single parents, I am in awe. It’s a good kind of crazy though and I’m not stressed, not worried. I love my kids and my life and so thankful I have something to be busy over. But crazy is crazy.
My wife read 7 a few weeks back. It has really challenged her on a number of levels. Therefore I’m a little scared of the book. I think I could do a few of the things for a month at a time (wear 7 things, eat 7 things, etc.) but the media and the giving stuff away sounds extremely challenging. Maybe a week at a time would be a good intro though.
I think part of it is I’m scared of it too. But Jen has encouraged readers on her blog to run with the challenges and not be legalistic about the level she went to. I’m only doing a few of the exact same things as she did. I’m looking forward to it though. The last thing I want is a gluttonous/slothful/expensive summer to feel crappy about.
If you got through this day without having a fetal-position meltdown yourself, I say it’s a huge win. Holy cow, what a day! And ditto on the fork-in-eye goals discussion. HATE IT.
Ally Garner recently posted…Esty Fail :: Southern Belle Boutique scam
Whew, I get tired just reading it again
The evening was nice and relaxing although I did basically end up in the fetal-position in bed by 8:45 
Crazy, indeed. And yes, men are great for taking care of dead things.
Can’t wait to get into this and keep up with each other! Fun times!!
Amy in Wanderland recently posted…The summer of 7: It’s time to de-crapify
Love it! Love that you are joining us. And so glad I”ll get to know you better as we journey down this scary — I mean, enlightening — road. I love it when you say this is crazy because you are working and you have GOALS. Girl – balancing my life is cray cray trying to figure all this out too. Relating!!!
Positively Alene recently posted…one – no, 2 incredible moments in the strip club.