Scott the DRE
Good morning. This weekend was best of all because Scott came home! He reached his goal of becoming a Drug Recognition Expert. Just like an officer can do a few tests on the side of the road to determine if someone is under the influence of alcohol, he has learned a set of tests that can determine what category of drug someone is on, be it stimulant, depressant, etc. As I type this, he is at the hospital after being called in to test someone they had arrested. He will be considered an expert now in that court case.
He spent two weeks in Columbia last month learning all kinds of medical stuff and then just spent a week in Arizona in a jail testing people and then doing a 6 hour long test. We’re all very proud to say the least. That said, I was VERY happy to have all that over and done with and have him home last night.
Gluten-Free Expo
While he was away this weekend, a few highlights included attending a gluten-free expo in Charlotte. Normally, no matter where we go I am always on alert about food. I have to question everything and feel like I’m running defense for Emma to protect her from eating something that might make her sick. We walked into the expo where about 50 vendors, including the likes of Glutino and Udi’s, had samples out and I leaned down to Emma and said, “You can eat ALL of this!” Not since we’ve started have we been anywhere where every morsel of food was gluten-free. It was divine.
Let Me Run Race
Saturday evening I was able to attend a local race for an organization called Let Me Run via our big volunteer day with my work. Let Me Run is sort of like Girls on the Run but for boys. I volunteered as the Social Media Ambassador as let me tell you, I loved it. My job was purely to post pictures and statuses to Twitter and Facebook as the event went along. I mean, how fun is that? I also pitched in to organize bags and put tattoos on some kids and that was super fun too. Seriously, does anyone have a Social Media position open because I am ON IT. The end of the race was pretty spectacular too. A finish line never fails to bring tears to my eyes. As I watched the kids coming in knowing all the work they had put into it, I couldn’t help but clap and holler for them in celebration. Doesn’t it remind you of the race we are running and that “well done” we strive for at our heavenly finish line? Gah, I love that.
Man Card
Sunday we kicked off a fantastic service called Man Card. It’s all about biblically manhood. I’m telling you, even after just the first service, I know every male needs to hear this one. Seriously, if you’re a guy, hightail it over here and if you’re a gal, send all your favorite boys and men over there too.
Summer of 7
And finally, I wanted to touch on the first few days Summer of 7. This week is food week for me. No dessert. No take-out. Nothing but water. I think I somewhat failed at the expo and didn’t even realize it. A lot of the samples were cupcakes, cookies and brownies so technically that fell in the dessert category but I gave myself a pass since I wasn’t eating it with the intent of having a treat, just to sample food I would not otherwise.
Saturday night after the race was super hard not to eat dessert. I’d had a long day, the kids were spending the night elsewhere and it just would have been the perfect time to eat a bowl of ice cream. I felt sorry for myself and then remembered that some people didn’t even have dinner that night and quit my whining.
Sunday morning I missed not having coffee at church. No compensation there. I just missed it. Sunday dinner I sat down and drank a few sips of sweet tea before I realized what I was doing. I changed it out for water and kept going. As I drank I thought of all the people who don’t have clean water to enjoy. As fate would have it, on the way home we passed a homeless person asking for money. My friend Dani had put the word out just a few days ago to help if we had seen this one particular lady so I grabbed all the cash I had and gave it to her. It’s not the first time I’ve done that but it was a well-timed reminder that what we do with our money and how we view food matters. It still has not left me thinking about her living outside and worrying about every meal. Drinking water and eating as many meals and snacks as I want doesn’t seem so bad anymore. If anyone should eat a bowl of ice cream, it ought to be her.
Have you thought about joining us for Summer of 7? I can honestly say in just a few days it’s made an impact and it’s not too late!
I’m looking forward to the rest of the week as we’re headed out to Hilton Head this weekend! Hope you had a great weekend and have a great week!
WOW – what a recap! Of course my fav part was the giving the $ to the girl. Love your heart. May God present to us more opportunities to serve. I have til Friday on these foods, I’ll be ready to add a little flavor I might add!
Positively Alene recently posted…stop for the one tuesday {a homeless man’s food}