My week of food for the Summer of 7 is over in just a few hours. My original goal was no desserts, only water and no take-outs. I can tell you what I missed: OJ in the morning, coffee and having a treat in the evening. I honestly did not miss eating out one little bit. Well, eating in at work was awful but as far as dinners went, I didn’t miss it. Perhaps it wasn’t an excess like it has been in the past. In good news, I lost a pound just by cutting that out. Have I mentioned how I’ve lost 10 pounds since we went gluten-free (and I totally changed my eating habits)? Hm. Yeah. And it seems to be staying off. I’ve been maintaining the past month or so but this last week of basically cutting out the excess literally cut out a little excess on me.
But most importantly, the lesson I’m taking from this week is from my Leftovers post. When I give anything, not just food, I will be reminded of this week and remember not only to give, but to consider the quality. And further, remember the widow that gave all she had, not just out of her abundance. Ouch. That still hurts.
As of this evening, it’s goodbye to stress. I’m changing up what I had planned. I’ll be candid here and say I hadn’t read the stress chapter in the book yet when I planned my “rules” but went ahead and put down what Jen had done. I didn’t buy the book to do the prayers and just like Jamie, loading myself up like this I think would cause me more stress so I’m letting go this week. I sat and thought of what relaxes me and here it is:
- Having coffee/interacting online with friends
- Reading
- Writing
- Doing nothing on the beach
- Spending time in prayer
- Spending time in the word
- Being creative
- Cooking
So there are no rules around those. I’m just going to try to do them more. We’re on vacation all week and it’s totally possible. You might see a ton more posts this week because I write more or I may let go of any duty I feel towards writing. Who knows! It’s all about less stress, baby!
Below are the other FOOD week related posts. You can still jump in and participate so don’t think it’s too late!
Love this!!! Maybe on my stress week I’ll wake up, put on a swimsuit, spend the day on the beach and then roll back in bed. Yep – stress free until the next week when you have to make up for all your missed. YIPES. Right now – just have to conquer my clothes week. Mercy!! There’s some mutinizing going on here!
Positively Alene recently posted…i’m not that cray-cray — summer of 7 clothes
I know right? It’s so hard to catch up when you get back. But I hope to find a few things to carry on that will help permanently.
Clothes week will be interesting. I don’t think I have an issue with wearing the same for one week. I just seriously need to clean out my clothes and shoes and figure out a way not to just keep filling it back up.
I’m reading 7 now and loving it. I’m totally ready to do this.
Denise J. Hughes recently posted…The Writer’s Library — My 10 Favorite Books on the Craft of Writing
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