I took Emma to camp this morning.
It’s her first summer camp. All week. With no phone calls home.
I’m not nervous about missing her. I WILL for sure miss her (should I mention I mailed her a letter Saturday so she’d already have one today?) but I’ve gone a week without her a few times so we’ve had practice.
I know she’s going to have fun. I never went to camp until I was in the 7th grade, but camp was my favorite week of the year after that. I loved camp. I can’t imagine someone walking away at the end of the week and just saying, “You know, that was a bummer of a week. So boring.” You are not bored at summer camp.
She’s with a great friend she knows. I’m not sure if they’ll be quiet for more than 30 seconds the entire week.
Her counselor seemed like a dream. Very down to earth and responsible.
The one thing I am worried about (ok, BESIDES the counselors making sure she eats gluten-free) is the basics…shower, brush teeth, brush her hair, put sunscreen on. It sounds so silly typing it out, but I realized in letting her go for a week how important the little things are every day.
Does she know how to take care of herself without a mommy going behind her reminding her?
Sure, she’s not headed off to college and 5 days without brushing her teeth would be nasty, but not deathly, but it really puts into perspective this whole mothering thing. It’s important what we do. One day they WILL leave the house and they’ll need to know how to do these things automatically, responsibly and well.
So, if anything, let my letting go be a reminder to all the moms that all the….
“Brush your teeth and remember to brush at the gums!”
“Let me get the tangles out of your hair!”
“Pick your wet clothes off the floor!”
“Don’t forget to put sunscreen on before you get in the pool!”
….are building habits of successful adults. Bravo, moms, bravo.
dani says
I personally have been just a little teary about it this afternoon. I remember going to camp and feeling so big about it but they looked so tiny didn’t they? and I’m wondering if it’s raining on them and if Lily thought to look for her poncho and did I even remember to tell her it was in there????
dani recently posted…Some Splainin to Do
Amy says
They *did* look so tiny. I think if Emma would have cried, I would have too but so far knowing I left her in good spirits has me held together. The storms do have me worried a bit. I was just now looking on the radar to see what they were getting. Big breath.
Carolyn says
The summer camp drop off…I remember it well! Matthew and Leila went to a sleep-away camp a few hours away and the first time I dropped them off, I cried (not the kids, ME) the entire 3 hour drive home. At that point the kids had never been away from me for more than a weekend sleepover with kids/parents I’ve known their whole lives. It was definitely an experience for all of us. Their Godmother is still trying to convince me to take a week to go somewhere (anywhere) with her and to leave the kids at home. If you can believe it, I have spent only 1 night away from them both since they were born. (I’ve been away from one or the other while they were in the hospital for their surgeries, but have never been more than an hour’s drive away). It’s my goal this year to talk myself into leaving them as I know they’ll be fine. They’re fine when they are away from me so I’m sure they’ll be just as fine if I am away from them. (see what I mean about convincing myself)
Judging from the smiles on both Girls’ faces, this is going to be a fantastic experience for them! You’ll be hearing camp stories/songs for a long time to come!
Amy says
I really expected to cry but have held it together so far. It’s just a good thing I don’t have PMS right now.
And YES you should go somewhere!