Feeling down and out? Bottom of the barrel? Need a vacation?
Proverbs 11:25 says the wise thing to do is refresh someone else.
A generous man will prosper;
he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.
Send a card to a friend. Like a real, stamped envelope and everything. You send it but somehow you will feel like you got a gift too.
Pay for the person behind you in the drive-thru. The first time I did this, it put me in tears. It was so right.
Getting a massage or manicure or shopping will bring temporary happiness, but the way to true joy is in refreshing others.
This post is part of The Nester’s 31 Days Series
Denise vick says
this kind of goes along with what i was reading yesterday in isaiah 58:6-9. God is saying to share your food with the hungry, invite the homeless into your home, clothe the naked, be available to your own family– and then the promise:
“Do this and the lights will turn on, and your lives will turn around at once.”
If we would only heed his promised blessing in both passages think what a different life we could lead. Hard-headed people we are.
Amy says
Yes, what a great sister verse. That “rule” is throughout Proverbs, and all of Scripture, really. Give and it will be given! So opposite of what culture (and our own flesh) tells us to do!