The prudent see danger and take refuge,
but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.
At first glance, Proverbs 22: 3 might seem to give a reason to skip all the scary dark alley ways and loop-de-loop roller coasters. But it’s deeper.
Solomon is warning us against sin.
When we are going along and see a temptation to sin, the wise takes refuge.
For some of us, that might be going along and running into an ex, for some that might be an invitation to a party at a bar, for some that might be stumbling on pictures on a web site. We all have our pitfalls.
Solomon says the wise run. They see danger and do the opposite.
The simple, or foolish as Solomon calls them, simply let things happen. They strike up a conversation with the ex, accept the invitation to the party and go ahead and click on the pictures. And eventually they pay the price.
Challenge: What danger do you see today that you can actively take refuge from?
This post is part of The Nester’s 31 Days Series
Gossip. How that verse does apply.
Yes! Very hard to walk away from those conversations.