Today’s the day I share my outfits from the week with The Pleated Poppy’s What I Wore Wednesday. I pair my outfits with inspirational photos. Read more about that here.
We’re cleared to wear jeans at work the rest of the year but I just can’t seem to wear them without heels and a blazer. Why this animal print reminded me of a horse, I don’t know. I think it was the brown and black combination.
Source: via Amy on Pinterest
After looking for pictures of horses, I felt like wearing leggings and boots. Even though animal print rain boots wouldn’t do for horseback riding, they’re brownish and it *was* raining that day. Why do I not wear leggings more often? That outfit was the most comfortable one of the week. I went zero places so it was perfect for my day at home.
I rarely mix animal prints like this but I’m ok with this one. I think. And yes, this still reminded me of horses.
Source: via Amy on Pinterest
And yes, another horse.
OK, up to this point of the post, I wasn’t understanding why I kept picking horses, but I realized there was a reason. Jump to the bottom and I’ll tie it together for you.
Source: via Amy on Pinterest
Source: via Amy on Pinterest
Source: via Amy on Pinterest
OK if you want, hang with me on a little story and I’ll explain all the horses this week.
Yesterday I wrote about my daughter turning 10 and how she’s made me brave. I realized as I was picking these inspirational pictures through the week (and before I even thought about what to write) that I was constantly drawn to horses. Which, if you know me, is surprising because I’ve always hated horses. OK, not hated horses. I loved horses. Cried when they got hurt in movies. But ride them? NO THANK YOU. I wrote a little about it in this Weekend Recap.
Then Monday, when I was writing that post, I realized that not only had I been wearing a lot of black/grey in a sort mourning, I realized that I had been picking out these horse-related pictures and there was a definite connection to Emma and my post. I don’t think I ever wrote about it here (maybe?) but I finally rode a horse this summer in an attempt to get Emma to ride it. See? She makes me brave.
The horses were a sort of metaphor for the courage I’ve found as her mother.
But wait, there’s more.
Monday night after I’d written that post, I realized Emma had her birthday pin she was going to wear to school on my nightstand. I knew if I didn’t put it with her stuff that we’d forget Tuesday morning. So I slid out of bed and went in her room and decided to pin it right on her shirt she had picked out for her birthday. Guess which shirt she had picked out? The only one she owns with a horse on the front.
I’ve been looking for God in these inspirational pictures and this week, I found Him in spades.
Amazing! Mom
I thought it was pretty nifty too!