OK I have a new show for you. And for those of you with Netflix, pay special attention.
So. My friend Mary Carver kept writing about Hart of Dixie. It was on my list when it debuted last year and I just never found the time to watch it. Well, Mary assured me at Allume that I needed to watch and since Scott has been on night shift the past month, I’ve been using my night to catch up. And ya’ll, season one was so good!
The gist of the show is Zoe Hart is trying to be a surgeon in NYC (same kind as Grey’s Cristina Yang) but gets turned down for a fellowship so she finally accepts a General Physician’s job in small-town Bluebell, Alabama. It turns out she’s not very wanted and struggles to fit in but it makes for some great TV.
It took a good 5 or 6 episodes to really love it but I do now and here’s 10 non-spoilerish reasons why:
- First and foremost, you must know I love that one of my beloved FNL characters is one of the leads. I love that Scott Porter plays a similar type of role with Bluebell’s town attorney George Tucker. I mean, QB1 and small-town attorney aren’t exactly similar but they’re similar in that he plays one of the town favorites in both shows.
- I never watched Rachel Bilson in The OC so I’m not really sure how to compare characters or her acting but I simply adore Zoe Hart. She’s smart and fashionable and funny and horrible with guys and yeah, I love her. Did I mention I love her clothes? Even Scott won’t quit talking about her shoes Did you see those shoes? Those are awesome. Look at those shoes.
- Who cannot love Wade? He’s the bad boy everyone loves to hate, or you know, just love to love. If I were single, he’d be welcome to come paint my house any day.
- I love that they picked a former NFL star as The Mayor. It’s so random but so awesome too. Lavon Hayes would say so too, I think. Speaking of, did you know I heard Michael Jordan has a house not 10 minutes from me? I had a friend say they nearly ran into him when he was pulling into his neighborhood. Anyhoo.
- Lemon. Oh, Lemon. I seriously cannot believe they named her that. I don’t know that I like Lemon but she sure is interesting to watch and the Jaime King plays her to absolute Southern perfection.
- I enjoy Zoe’s lifeline to her high school friend, Rose. I feel like we get a glimpse into the high school/CW realm without actually having to live in it all the time.
- I really like how they play the big city against the small town. I definitely find myself pulled in both directions. I live in the suburbs but work in the city and enjoy bigger cities. I appreciate both sides so it’s kind of nice to reminisce about NYC (I know, all of my 3 visits) with Zoe and make fun of their small town-ness but I also love how The Mayor, Lemon and other residents stick up for their small town.
- I enjoy the medical side of the show. I know it’s no ER or Grey’s but I like it that way. I like a little suspense when someone gets a snake bite or something. Nothing too dramatic but enough to keep you involved.
- The Southern Belles. I can’t help it, I love all of Lemon’s friends. Although I’m in South Carolina, to my knowledge we don’t have these Southern Belles and I just find the whole thing entertaining. In fact, DO these people exist in the South these days? Anyone? Annabeth is my favorite and she is HILARIOUS. There was one episode in particular when she was actually being friends with Zoe and it was pure gold.
- OK and finally and not surprisingly–I LOVE the love triangles. Zoe-Wade-George and George-Lemon-Lavon could go on forever and I’d be happy. And does anyone else want to see Zoe and Lavon just one time figure out if they could work? I mean, I feel like there’s something there, no?
Now, I’m not TOTALLY sold on the whole deal. Their morals are out the door. This is no family-friendly show. Someone is always scheming and lying. I’ve been pretty disappointed in Season 2 especially with all the friends with benefits things going on. Not a fan of Zoe going there. I mean, he IS cute but come on, Zoe Hart, have some scruples. It is what it is, though. It’s near to impossible to find a show that isn’t like this in some respect.
But given that, it’s such a unique, interesting, fun, heart-warming world to live in for an hour a week.
So the entire first season is on Netflix and if you hurry up you can watch most of Season 2 on Hulu!
Do you watch Hart of Dixie? Let’s chat in the comments!
This post is linked up with Top Ten Tuesday
There TOTALLY are still southern belles around here. You need to come down to Union County and watch some pageants!
If definitely going to have to check out HoD. Hopefully I can make it through the first 5 episodes. 

Katrina recently posted…Do you Crock On?
Like with full-on old-fashioned Southern Belle dresses? I would need to see that!
“Lavon Hayes” was also on FNL. He was Vince’s dad who had been in prison.
Denise!!! You’re totally right. I cannot believe I didn’t pick up on that! No wonder I like him–another FNL connection!
AND he plays a much nicer person. ha!
I love this show! Knowing that two of the actors are from FNL is one reason I watch it!
I love the quirkiness of a lot of the characters.
Becky recently posted…Thankful Day 24 and 25
Yes, quirky is a great word!
Oh, I’m so glad you love it as much as I do!! This is seriously one of my favorite shows – like top three – right now! It reminds me of Gilmore Girls and Ed with the quirky small town stuff. I will say I’m fully Team Wade and leave my morals at the door as I root for him with Zoe. He’s just so…reformable. You know? The kind of bad boy that you know is good at heart? Yeah…
Are you all caught up with this season? Because I find it so interesting how much more likeable they’ve made Lemon. At the same time, I wonder if I like her more simply because the show introduced a character I like even less… (Keeping it vague in case you haven’t caught up!)
Mary @ Giving Up on Perfect recently posted…Christmas Books & Holiday Traditions
Yes! All caught up! I agree! The new character is awful!! Wish she would go away already.
I don’t think I’m team wade or George. Is that allowed? I like different things about each guy when she’s with them. For now, enjoying her Wade time
We started watching tonight on your recommendation and we love it!
Heather {desperately seeking sanity} recently posted…What I Learned This Week
Yahoo!! Last night had some great moments. You gotta start at the beginning though. Season 1 was really fantastic.