Source: via Amy on Pinterest
He hurts again and follows a path he ought not go. I wonder where is the justice? When will my God follow through of his promise to spite my enemies?
I wonder when I got so hard, so worried about making it right, so incapable of forgiving the 77 times.
I wonder if I’m doing it right. Any of it. Is it pleasing to Him? His will, his way?
I wonder if I’ll ever quit caring about what they think—second guess every decision instead of just letting joy be joy.
I wonder if he will ever be healed. Will his words not ever sting and my attempts thrown in my face. Will I ever stop trying, putting myself out there knowing I will be hurt again, him incapable of returning what I offered.
In all my wondering, I forget it is He whom I must wonder on.
He will provide justice–and more, grace–in His way. He will give me grace to forgive. He will heal, both he and me. He will direct paths.
If I only marvel at him, give him my rapt attention, wonder at the person instead of wandering my own way. Then, the wondering and wandering will cease and true wonder begins.
Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
This is so where I’m at right now – needing to remember to wonder on Him, not the stuff that’s weighing me down. Thank you.
Andrea recently posted…Wonder
You are very welcome, Andrea. Thanks for stopping by!
Wow. Good thoughts for this discouraged girl.
Oh, me too. I wonder how long it will take to finally “get it” that it is “He whom I must wonder upon”. I really felt this right into my heart. Thank you!
Missy recently posted…The Wonder of Five Minute Friday
You’re welcome. Thanks for stopping by, Missy!
For all the talk of how we get caught up in the small things, the big things seem to just stop us in our tracks. It’s so hard to just let things go and not stare at them. If we can just keep our gaze on God we’ll be fine no matter what happens in circumstances. It’s just so dang hard! So glad you came by so I was sure to read this. Thank you for tackling the tough stuff.
Amy Tilson recently posted…Wonder
Great words of encouragement!!
Thank you…
Stefanie Brown (@stefanieybrown) recently posted…Be Encouraged :: He Still STILLS Storms…
Stefanie, just found your comment in Spam! So sorry! Thanks for stopping by and your words of encouragement!