Writing with Five Minute Friday on “again”. No editing or backtracking, just writing for 5 minutes.
Last I updated, we waited. Waited to hear about the possibilities of a little blonde-haired boy coming to our home. I said it felt right, and it did.
The waiting has ended.
But maybe not for the reason we hoped. He’s getting adopted by his foster parents.
I’m so happy for him. I truly am. He’s getting a forever family with someone that already knows him and where he feels comfortable. He doesn’t have to move homes yet again.
But I can’t say we all weren’t a little disappointed.
But God spoke to us last weekend through a friend, giving what we needed just when we needed it. He let us know he’s coming, finding his way home.
And with that message, my heart is content. Disappointed, but content.
We’re out to sea now, though, floating and not able to see the shoreline. Not sure which direction we need to go to find it.
We’re in a different waiting game, one where we try to find the next step, knowing we’ve taken all the ones He’s told us to so far.
And so we’ll wait.
Fabulous post.
denise recently posted…Five Minute Friday- Again
Thanks, Denise!
Oh, that dang waiting game. How I hate it! But God does so much in it, yes?
I’m sorry that it didn’t work out this time, but will pray that God’s timing is so soon so that you can cuddle your little love to you tightly for forever.
Thank you, would appreciate prayers!
I love your sense of peace, it is coming through the screen. I have friends who have waited and waited for the two girls they now call daughter. I have another friend (online) who has been the foster mom to hand the baby over to her forever home with a heavy heart. http://www.ourgoodfamily.org/2013/01/letter-to-baby-ls-adoptive-parents.html May God bless you on your journey and continue to give you peace in the waiting.
Tammy Skipper (@Tammy_Skipper) recently posted…Again {Psalm of a Military Wife}
Thank you, Tammy, for linking to your friend. Will definitely check it out.
well phooey. I was really excited that he was “the one”. I’m not very patient but I know whoever my nephew is he will be worth the wait!
So well said! God is in control.
Great post Amy, I know in it’s in God’s plan for your son to find his way home. You all continue to be in my prayers.
Thank you again, Shannon, for your prayers and FAITH!
Hoping with you for God’s perfect plan. Sorry for your disappointment but encouraged by your faith. Obedience is the road by which we manifest what is truly in our hearts. I see in yours, a heart that wants what God wants, a home for a child who needs to know His love.
Alia Joy recently posted…Five Minute Friday: Again
I will say amen to that, Alia. Thank you!
Amy, I am so sorry for your disappointment, but I rejoice with you for this child being adopted. It’s hard when things don’t work out in a way that feels so right. Take comfort and joy in knowing that all things work together for the good of those called according to His purpose. Sending prayers and many virtual hugs hour way!
Thank you for that verse!
I cried. Oh wow. This post was nothing short of beautiful.
Ashley Ditto recently posted…A Peek Inside My Life…
Aw, bless your heart. Thank you for visiting and commenting.
Wow. Praying. I used to work for DCS and these situations were always painful to watch. I cannot imagine being the parent waiting again and again, with open arms. Beautiful words. Hopping over from “five minute friday” linkup.
christie elkins recently posted…Again. {five minute friday}
Bless you for working for DCS. I know they have the toughest job and see so much heartache. Thanks for visiting!
Amy, I somewhat know how you feel. Our first adoption fell through. It was supposed to be semi-closed. The birth parents chose us, met us … and the baby was passed his due date. We had him named and had the nursery ready. The day before we were supposed to pick him up the birth parents changed their minds. Of course, it felt like a death — but God knew the perfect plan for us. Three weeks later our baby girl was born. God had even given us the day she was formed in the womb two months before she was formed! I didn’t know what it meant at the time, but then all of the pieces fell together. He has a wonderful plan for you and your family. (((hugs)))
Beth @ My Destiny recently posted…Red light district
Oh man, I cannot imagine going through that. So glad to see you quickly saw God move again. Thank you for the encouragement.