Do you ever find the same word or theme suddenly pops up everywhere? In blog posts, in TV shows, in quotes, in songs, in sermons—sometimes you just can’t get away from it, whatever “it’” is.
Don’t ignore those “coincidences”. I tend to think that’s God beating us over the head with a lesson of some sort.
My lesson right now? My word? Control.
Truthfully, I never thought of myself as an over-controlling person, but I definitely think God has some things to teach me.
I don’t want to miss one little thing God is trying to show me, so I thought I might share how I’ve started collecting the pieces of the puzzle.
For you savvy readers, I just create a folder in Evernote and stuff them all there and then revisit.
If that makes no sense to you, let me explain. is a lot like Pinterest You gather items from all over the web and organize them into folders called Notebooks.
While Pinterest is great at organizing visual data publicly, Evernote is great at organizing text-based data privately.
First, you should set up an account at
Then, make a Notebook for your word, or theme.
At this point, you can create a New Note if you’d like. Let’s say the sermon on Sunday spoke directly to your word or theme, you could create a new note with the sermon’s title date date and then type in the applicable notes.
However, as an avid blog reader, what I’ve found most helpful is the Web Clipper.
Web Clipper is an extension for your browser so that a little Evernote button shows up in your toolbar and then you can use it to clip items to your Evernote account.
You can see the extension here on my toolbar.
When I find a sentence I want to clip from a blog post, I just highlight like so:
Then click the Evernote button in your toolbar. A box pops up and lets me pick which folder to save it in.
Then, when I’m ready I can log into my account at and see what I’ve clipped.
In a twist of irony, I just wrote all that and realized that might come across as controlling. Ha! Well, I just tend to look at it as PASSIONATE. So there. I’m looking forward to what God is teaching me and hope to share some time in the future.
Do you use Evernote? What are some other great uses for it? What’s your theme or word right now?
thank you soooo much for this. i keep a notebook with me at all times to write down things i read on blogs or sermons i hear. this will be so much more organized.
and my word for the year is generosity.
Yay!! I’m so glad to hear this is helpful! Generosity is a great word. Two books that really challenged me in that area is Crazy Love and Radical!
radical was a life changer for me. i also listened to a sermon by your pastor on generosity that greatly moved me. have you read david platt’s new book, “follow me”? i’ve just started it, but i will admit that it’s kept me awake a couple of nights.
No, I sure haven’t. I need to put it on my to-read list.