Last month I mentioned candles and have been so happy to find this scent at Bath and Body Works.
Mahogany Teakwood really should be called Abercrombie & Fitch Store. Smells just like it when you walk by!
I have another scent coming and hope to have that on the March list!
I’ll save all the books I’ve read for another post but I’m seriously into this book.
So far it’s really changed some of my perspective about prayer and looking forward to it finishing up in the next few days.
I know this one’s weird but I’ve been into recovery drinks. Last month I mentioned I’d been doing P90X.
We’ve continued through February but this month I started drinking a recovery drink afterwards. Makes such a difference! I don’t feel worn out or dehydrated anymore. The girls even like it.
I got these Lia Sophia earrings at a party recently and I just love them.
I can wear them with almost anything. Per usual, they look way better in person.
It’s interesting, I keep wanting to add some TV shows to this list because let’s face it, I’m usually into them. But really, I need a what I’m NOT into post for those. Nearly all my shows have been disappointing me lately—Once Upon a Time, Revenge, Nashville, even Modern Family! I think I’m ready to give many of them up.
One thing I have been watching but I’m not sure I’m into yet is Doctor Who.
I’ve watched 9 episodes of the first season and I’m still not hooked. Doctor Who fans, what am I doing wrong??
And finally for the techie folks, I’ve been really into the Genesis Framework for WordPress.
Which means, people, I have a brand new design waiting for you! Squee! It’s not quite ready to launch but I am just LOVING the framework. Makes designing so much easier!
What’s your favorite thing right now?
I’m linking up with
Re: Doctor Who…just wait until the end of the season and he transforms into #10. Then you’ll be hooked. #10 is the BEST.
Leann recently posted…In Anticipation of Spring
Hm, ok, I’ll give it a few more episodes. Part of my issue is actually over this particular doctor–well, there are issues of silly aliens and walking mannequins–so hopefully the next season will help.
Well, it’s ridiculous and campy, but Doctor 10 is a HOOT and charming and you’ll fall in love with him and want Rose to have his babies. You could even skip ahead, probably, and wouldn’t miss too much.
Leann recently posted…In Anticipation of Spring
Well, it’s ridiculous and campy, but Doctor 10 is a HOOT and charming and you’ll fall in love with him and want Rose to have his time-lord babies. You could even skip ahead, probably, and wouldn’t miss too much.
Leann recently posted…In Anticipation of Spring
My husband and I watched that “first” season of Doctor Who on Netflix. I’ve watched some since then, but not a ton. I found I only like the episodes that are sort of historical, not the ones in the future with Darleks and stuff. I’m just not a sci-fi person and it shows!
Vanderbilt Wife recently posted…Graham Cracker Banana Bread {Secret Recipe Club}
P.S. Any candle that smells like Abercrombie and Fitch I would label “INSTANT DEATH.” WHYYYY do they have to pipe their scent into the whole mall? (Perhaps it’s just the pregnant woman in me speaking, but I really don’t care for it. I have a pretty strong sense of smell even before pregnancy.)
Vanderbilt Wife recently posted…Graham Cracker Banana Bread {Secret Recipe Club}
I love the scent but it is WAY too overwhelming in the mall. Maybe I should clarify that! Ha!
I’m not huge into sci-fi either but so many people like it I feel like I should!
I agree that the Tenth Doctor is the best, as I said in my email to you earlier in the week. =) It can be tough to get into if you don’t like sci-fi. But stick with it. So much good stuff happens in Season 2. =)
Jaynee recently posted…Starting Off The Year With a Flush
Ok I had to go back to your email and you did say I’d be really love it by the end of season 2. I had it in my head 5-6 episodes for some reason. I’ll keep going.
I’ve heard some negatives about ‘The Circle Maker’. Looking forward to reading your review.

Revenge is disappointing? Oh no – what’s going on?! (Just started back here in Aus.) It’s totally my guilty pleasure – so deliciously ridiculous!
Adele recently posted…What I’m Into (February 2013 Edition)
There have been a few things he’s said that has bothered me but I need I go read reviews and see what the deal is.
Revenge just feels like it’s going in circles and there’s nothing redemptive about any of the characters. Hard to pull for anyone, you know?
I’m thinking Revenge, OUAT, and Nashville are disappointing me with the current story lines too. With the exception of Nashville, none of it’s going anywhere. The cheating and divorce mess on Nashville is bugging me
I *love* those earrings! Super cute.
Stacey recently posted…The Ring
Yes, exactly…storylines that are going nowhere and an awful soap opera-ish ones on Nashville.
I haven’t lit my Mahogany Teakwood candle yet because I am still alternating between the Balsam one from B&BW and a Mulberry one from PartyLite. Hopefully it doesn’t smell too much like A&F. That’s a store I avoid (Hollister too).
We’ve been finding that we’re watching more shows on the Food Network than anything on network TV. We still love Say Yes to the Dress and Something Borrowed Something New but with two teenagers it is hard to find something that all of us can enjoy. Even The Vampire Diaries which used to be our favourite has gone really sideways and is almost unwatchable.
It’s not overpowering like A&F but it really does smell like that.
I haven’t picked TVD back up and it’s kind of good to hear that it’s not amazing again because otherwise, I’d have to catch back up
Amy, I’m so happy you linked up with What I’m Into! I’m impressed you’re doing P90X. I have a few friends who did it a couple years back and it did wonders for them. I toyed with starting it but…I’m not overly motivated to exercise these days. Yay for laziness!
I’m surprised you’re disappointed by Once Upon a Time! I’ve been loving it, especially this last episode. So many possibilities! Revenge hasn’t kept my attention as much but I keep watching to see what Emily and Victoria will be up to next. And now that what’s-her-face is out of the picture, things could get interesting with Jack.
HopefulLeigh recently posted…Matriarch-in-Training
I haven’t watched the last episode so maybe I need to go back and watch. My main disappointment with Revenge is Daniel. Can’t believe he just swept that murder under the rug. And his mother is just ruthless. Ugh. Also miss Emily’s boyfriend that left. What was his name? You are right about Jack and Emily, though. I hope that goes somewhere.