Yesterday I mentioned one of the big takeaways from meeting with Holley Gerth was a growth plan.
Crystal at is a growth plan genius. She is great at setting goals, reaching them and blogging through the process. Have you seen where she’s been getting up at like 3:30 in “the morning?” She’s a beast.
Anne at Modern Mrs. Darcy also sets goals for the year and then writes follow-ups.
I have great intentions and even wrote a fuzzy list at the beginning of the year. However, I never created a plan to carry it out.
Why a Growth Plan
When Holley wrote my brand guide, there was a section called “Growth Plan” at the end. She began by saying:
You are energized by reflection, applying what you learn to your life, and sharing that with others.
After a few action items, she wrote in conclusion:
Overall, just give yourself what you need to grow as much as possible and take every opportunity you have to pursue that in your life—it’s how you connect with God as well as yourself and one of the primary ways you bless and encourage others.
If you read my Strengths Finder, you’ll see it also says I’m energized by lots of information. It’s just how I’m wired.
However, she asked me how I was scheduling these times of learning and I just had to shrug my shoulders and say I’m not.
Enter my written growth plan.
The Growth Plan
I was responsible for coming up with the details of what my growth plan entailed.
Holley had me list all the ways I wanted to grow, whether it was from my ever-growing list of books, podcasts, bible studies, independent studies, or online classes.
Next, I decided how I’d actually get things done. She pushed me to write down a time of day to start, duration of session, frequency (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly), and even where I wanted to be sitting.
First, I created a list of devotional/prayer books I wanted to tackle for 30 minutes each morning.
Morning (AM daily – 15 min)
Devotional (AM daily – 15min)
Next, a list of Biblical topics I wanted to research weekly.
Research (weekly 1-2 hours)
- Favor
- Parables
- Shepherd
I also planned to schedule my week of blog posts during this weekly time of research based on input from the Advisory Board I mentioned yesterday.
I then created a list of the books I wanted to read. While this list is always fluid, I have already marked off several of the ones from my original list.
Books to Read (evenings, 30 min-1hr)
God-sized dreamSparkly Green Earrings- Billy Graham Nearing Home
- Blue Like Jazz
- Battlefield of the Mind
- Made to Crave
Wonderstruck- Mended
- Everything
And finally, there were other special learning opportunities that I wanted to tackle during special events, while I worked (listening to podcasts), or online classes on weekends
Learn (special events, weekends, while I work)
- Photography class
- Michael Hyatt podcast
- Andy Stanley leadership podcast
- Simple Mom Home Fries podcast
Crocheting- Canning
Working the Plan
Am I doing all of those things? Not all, but mostly.
However, it’s been fantastic to have a written plan that I can refer back to when I start feeling lost on how I should be spending my time. Usually, I’d think about the very long list of things I wanted to do and then hop on Facebook and waste my time.
I feel so full. I don’t feel like I’m wasting my time and filling myself full of junk. I have a renewed sense of passion and purpose I haven’t had in a long time. Most of my learning is faith-based and the more I learn about God, the hungrier I am.
Something Had to Give
Here’s the kicker though.
In order for all this to happen, I had to let something else go.
And guess what lost in the battle?
Sure, we’ve been sitting as a family and watching Duck Dynasty like crazy fools (Hey!) but the shows I’d watch on my own? I haven’t watched them in weeks with no plans to catch up.
I know. I know!
I’m not suggesting everyone needs to give up TV. I’m just saying the past few weeks have proven I feel my best when I’m full of all kinds of information and facts and sermons and new things to learn.
Maybe this is just a season for me. And that’s fine. Growing seasons don’t last forever.
But for now, I’m working this new growth plan and I love it!
What is one thing you’d like to learn next?
Oooo, I love hearing the details on your growth plan! Please keep us updated on how you work the plan!
Anne Bogel recently posted…7 Books I Read Over and Over Again
I have a sort of Growth Plan Part 2 I want to share at some point too. Maybe next week?
This is really interesting to me, because lately I’ve been realizing that I replaced our TV watching with more internet use and that doesn’t seem productive at all to me. I didn’t get rid of the TV just to be more productive in life, I did it to save money. BUT, I’d like to fill that time I’ve gained with something “better.” Your post came along at just the right time! And your ideas – learning from podcasts and such – are great, because I often throw out my thoughts of learning something new because I decide it would cost too much money or require too much of my time. These are great ideas. Thanks!
Well, what’s interesting is we got rid of satellite 8 months ago for the money and yet, I was still using Hulu, Netflix, etc to fill my time with TV which is fine if that’s what I want to do. It’s just these other things came along I realized I wanted to do more.
I am really starting to love podcasts. It’s like the new version of sitting around listening to the radio
Also, YouTube is great for learning! One of the things on my list is crocheting and there is a ton of stuff on there to watch!
My husband has been using YouTube to learn to play guitar! And I love the idea of Podcasts, especially because I could do other things while listening (in theory, lol.) We’re still using Netflix, but tend not to watch a ton of TV in general. It’s just fallen off our radar. The key now, I think, is replacing that behavior with something better…
I love this idea of growth plan. Since I spend 12-14 a day outside the house at my job and with limited access to the internet, I have had trouble finding time for the different areas I need to focus on for my ministry. I think I will try to set up maybe a mini plan to get me started.
It’s SO HARD when you work outside the home. I know when I go to the office, it makes it 100 times more difficult to stick to this. The nice thing about going to the office though is both drive time and lunch time. PERFECT for listening to podcasts and reading!
**Sigh** At this weird point in my life, I wish I had my stuff as together as you seem to!
I’m hoping the new change at work will give some sort of balance back to my life! The growth plan sounds like a great idea.
As a side note…I’ve tried listening to podcasts (and audiobooks, for that matter) but I can’t seem to stay focused on them. Either my mind wanders on to something else and I suddenly realize I wasn’t listening…or I fall asleep.
Stacey recently posted…Change…Is Good!
Ha! I do not have it together—this is part of my attempt to get it together! I think your new schedule will definitely lend itself well to a better schedule and flow.
The podcasts are good for me when I’m working and doing mundane things. Would be great while folding laundry, exercising, doing dishes, etc.