I read Tsh’s Day in the Life post and was spellbound. What is it about seeing other’s details we love? I don’t know but here’s mine.
6:00 Sleep Cycle alarm goes off. I question why, after I didn’t go to sleep until 1am the night before, I felt the need to set my alarm for 6am. I listen as Scott leaves the bathroom and goes to have an MRI to see about a pinched nerve. Reset the alarm for 6:10 and fall back asleep after I hear his truck pull away.
6:10 Still feel like lead, determine I can take a shower later at lunchtime and reset the alarm for 6:30.
6:30 Open my phone, turn off the alarm and scroll through Facebook. Having the light in my eyes wakes me up every morning.
6:36 Determine I really should roll out of bed since I have to get the kids off to school on my own.
6:40 Try to wake the kids up and then head out to the kitchen to start on lunches.
6:45 Check on the kids again and hear Bella crying. Let Bella out.
6:50 Check on the kids again and finish lunches. Catch Bella mid-air as she falls off the counter.
6:55 Make cereal. Sign papers. Brush hair. Take Bella out again.
7:05 Put some clothes on. Same ones as yesterday. I let Bella out again. She finally poops and I’m grateful that’s one less mess I have to clean.
7:10 Help Emma get shoes and clean up water that’s been spilled from Lexi’s water bottle.
7:15 Get out the door.
7:16 Go back in the house to help Lexi get something she forgot.
7:17 Leave for school.
7:27 Get home and let Bella use the bathroom again in the front yard. Type this as I wait and answer Yes when Scott texts me if I want Starbucks on his way home from the doctor.
7:33 Clean off the counter and take pictures of the bar for the day’s post. The one I worked on until 1am Sunday night is a dud and the one about the bar scheduled for Friday is moving to the front of the line.
7:45 Scott walks in with Starbucks and I ask how his appointment went. He has to go back Friday to get results. Start writing the bar post.
8:02 Realize I need to sign in to work and finish the post as everything gets logged in.
8:10 Put Bella in her crate for a nap.
8:15 Work. The day includes setting goals for the year. Not my favorite task.
8:38 Realize its Earth day and I didn’t send Emma to school in the earth day shirt I bought specifically for today. I also glance at an incoming email and realize I didn’t get Lexi to write a thank you note for teacher appreciation week. Fail. Go back to goals thinking I clearly need some for personal use.
9:20 Bella wakes up from a nap. I let her out. She comes back in chewing on something. I let her, glad she is distracted for a few minutes while I finish a chat with coworkers.
9:30 I call in to my only conference call for the day and sit outside and let Bella play as I am on the call.
9:47 Off the call and good timing because Scott is home from helping install some sort of shelf at the chiropractor’s office and can take over Bella duty. I get back to work, starting up Kristen Howerton’s Killer Tribe session as background.
10:30 Sit outside with my laptop for awhile and let Bella play while I continue to work.
10:45 Take a break to get a sausage patty and coffee. Think to myself all I’ve had to eat was a banana. At least I think I ate a banana. I vaguely remember grabbing one when I got done taking pictures of the bar. Bella also whines and Scott puts her back in her crate for another nap.
10:50 I get back to work researching where I might volunteer for our company’s big volunteer day in June. Start Brad Lomenick’s Killer Tribe session. Also check in on Facebook quickly but don’t see anything interesting.
11:30 Decide to take an early lunch so I can shower while Bella is asleep. As I use the bathroom yet again, I remember that I didn’t just have a banana, Scott brought me Starbucks and the coffee I had mid-morning was actually my second cup. I guess that’s the type of thing you forget when you go to bed at 1am.
12 Clean up dishes and start the dishwasher, make a sandwich for Scott as he runs in the door from seeing his grandmother and back out to help my mom at her business. I get Scott to snap a picture of my outfit for What I Wore Wednesday before he leaves. Finish my lunch break with my prayer time I missed in the morning, answer a few emails and share my post on social media.
12:30 Back to work.
1:45 I go get Bella up because she’s been asleep for so long and I’m worried. I move my laptop outside and let her and Tucker play.
2:08 Scott calls to say he’s done with mom and can pick the kids up on the way home. I’m a little sad.
2:46 Girls get home and I take a break to help with homework, hear stories and figure out snacks.
3:00 Back to work out in the yard. Bella is still wanting to play and Scott starts a fire to burn brush from trimming trees this weekend and calls the girls out to play. They’re not excited about it and just sit on their swings.
3:30 Scott finds a blue egg in the yard and I Instagram it, taken by the color.
4 Everyone comes inside. Bella goes to her crate to take a nap, Scott and the girls start a game of LIFE and I fix Emma some oatmeal and then get back to work.
4:30 Scott leaves to see his grandmother again who was taken to the ER.
4:45 Lexi asks me to put in The Bible DVDs.
5 Quitting time! The girls are starving so I go ahead and heat up leftovers for them. I’m waiting to eat for Scott to get home because he’s supposed to stop by and get shrimp sauce.
5:30 Bella plays in the front yard and the girls and I enjoy the beautiful weather on a blanket. I think of the neighbor whose teenager is giving them fits and say a prayer of thanks for the season we’re in.
5:55 Back in for more of The Bible. Bella wants a nap and I’m hoping Scott returns soon so I can eat.
6:10 Scott’s on his way home so I start frying some rice and reheating chicken.
6:30 Scott returns and we eat! The Bible is still playing and I continue to answer questions like why is he wearing a diaper (sumo-ish wrestlers perform for the king)? And why is Joseph mad she’s pregnant (oh geez)?
6:45 I hang up some clothes, empty the dishwasher and reload it while Scott is replaying some of The Bible he missed.
7:00 I sit down to put this post in draft stage. After such a late night, I’m exhausted and want to go to bed early.
7:20 Scott asks for help with the dishes. He got a little behind on his duties and it’s not normally this bad.
7:30 All done with the dishes and we feed the dogs. I Facebook a picture of the dogs eating out of each other’s bowls. Tucker always cleans up after Bella and Bella always wants some of Tucker’s for dessert.
7:45 We go out to Cook Out for milkshakes. It’s been months since we’ve been there. I get Peanut Butter Fudge. Is there a better flavor? I think not.
8:15 We’re home and I give Bella a bath on her back end. The downside to long hair. We shoo the kids off to get their outfits for tomorrow and brush their teeth.
8:30 I lie down with each of the girls and read Stephen King’s On Writing as they read for school.
9:00 I come back out to my desk and finish this post while Scott plays Call of Duty.
9:26 Lexi comes out and says she wants me to lay with her again. I tell her I’ll check on her when I go to bed, which I hope isn’t long now. The pictures are giving me fits.
9:39 Emma comes out to say Lexi is already asleep in her bed. I tell her Daddy will come and move her in a little bit. He’s on the phone about work.
9:58 I finish this post, schedule it for tomorrow and head straight to bed. I’ll read some more On Writing and hopefully be out by 10:30.
Tomorrow will be entirely different as I have to go in the office for meetings and Wednesday even more different than that as Scott will be sleeping work off and we have small group out our house in the evening. With both mine and Scott’s fluctuating work schedule, it’s rare two days look just alike in a week but today was a pretty typical relaxed, work from home day.
What do your days look like?
You make me tired! lol
I remember very well when Jackson was a new puppy…it was only a year ago, but it felt pretty much like having a newborn in the house!
It is VERY reminiscent of having a baby–just not all the stress of ruining the rest of their lives if you didn’t get it right
I LOVE posts like this. I don’t know why, but I love to hear about other people’s days.

Organize 365 recently posted…Yes, you can weed your whole yard in under 4 hours & Lisa’s Weekly Goals
We should get along just fine then
I love it too!!