Yeehaw! I still LOVE to get my fixes. Seriously, it makes my day to see that cardboard box with the mint green tape on my porch. Easily pleased? Perhaps.
My latest Stitch Fix contained several contenders but I ended up keeping the shirt featured in the image above.
You probably know I love black and white, I love print, I love birds, I love that it’s not too tight, I love the v-neck, I love the cropped sleeves. Basically, that shirt was perfect for me.
Here are the other 4 items I sent back:
A few comments about the other items:
- The striped shirt was cute. I wish you could see the details in the shoulders. But, it was a little too tight in the waist and I wasn’t sure I could wear it and not feel like it was July 4th.
- The cardigan was just not my style. Older and more classic than I like.
- The 3rd hi-lo sleeveless stop was just not my colors and it had a tie in the front I wasn’t fond of.
- The coral color was gorgeous but a tad longer than I liked and it was silk so a little too high maintenance.
If you love fashion or even if it’s a struggle—especially if it’s a struggle–the Ultimate eBook bundle includes several fashion-related books. I hope if you bought the bundle you’re checking out all these awesome books. Here are a couple:
Frumps to Pumps by Sarah Mae @ ($4.99)
Sarah Mae gives you the reason to get dressed every day and helps you with baby steps.
The No Brainer Wardrobe by Hayley @ The No Brainer Wardrobe ($7.99)
Hayley gives you practical tools to make getting dressed easy. My favorite part is where she carries her iPhone into a thrift store to put together an outfit from an inspirational outfit on Pinterest. That is so far beyond my abilities but I’m excited to try.
So, two things: sign up for Stitch Fix if you want to give it a whirl and be sure to buy the eBook bundle—only available for 2 more days! Also, you DID share about the bundle even if you aren’t going to buy it and entered to win the Kindle Fire, right??
I like the one you chose best. That cardigan, man that was really something! I don’t know what else to say about it. Haha.
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That’s too funny…I will say I could tell it was high-quality–felt very nice–and fit really well. Style was way off though.