I’m once again joining with Modern Mrs. Darcy for her monthly link-up for books called Twitterature. The premise of this link-up is to share short, casual reviews of books we’ve been reading.
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Bread and Wine by Shauna Niequist
Believe all the hype. Bread and Wine is worth the read. I was challenged, entertained and left in sobbing tears. Don’t let the title scare you off. This is about way more than food.
Bloom has chosen this book as its summer book club selection so check that out.
Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious Thoughts of Christian Spirituality by Donald Miller
Blue Like Jazz has been on my list for years but I finally took the time to read. Donald Miller has a way of being authentic without being crass and being spiritual without being uptight. I loved reading how he came to believe in Christ as it’s so unlike my story, or many in my circles.
The ScrewTape Letters by C.S. Lewis
I love C.S. Lewis so it’s no surprise that The Screwtape Letters was a fascinating read for me. Really makes you think about life and the voices in your life and in your head and just the battles that are going on in and around you. I’d consider this a must-read books for Christians.
A Shepherd Looks at the Good Shepherd by Phillip Keller
I read the second book of this trilogy A Shepherd Looks at the Good Shepherd and found it absolutely fascinating. It’s a look at John 10 through the eyes of a modern-day shepherd. One of the best books I’ve read on Christianity in quite some time. Another required reading for Christians book.
Everything by Mary DeMuth
There were definitely some gems in Everything, but as a whole, it just didn’t resonate with where I am right now.
Poke the Box by Seth Godin
Another one that’s been on my list for awhile, I read Poke the Box as part of a book club at work. If you’re not familiar with Seth Godin, check it out. Otherwise, you’ve probably heard most of this message. Still, a great manifesto about being an initiator.
Wow, I read some fantastic books this month. I hope you check a few of them out if you haven’t and let me know what you think.
I’m still trying to get through Jon Acuff’s Start and really enjoying it so far. BooMama’s A Little Salty to Cut the Sweet is definitely next on the list!
My to-read list is getting shorter. What books would you add to my list?
I keep seeing talk about Bread and Wine…might need to check this one out!
Stacey recently posted…Twitterature: June ’13
Definitely do and let me know what you think.
I’m so impressed at how many books you (and many others) are able to read in a short amount of time! I started Bread & Wine but then I had library books that needed to be read and returned, so it got moved off the top of my nightstand. I need to get back to that… I was really enjoying it. The Shepherd series sounds really interesting!
Sarah recently posted…Twitterature, June 2013
A few of these were already in-process at the start of the month and Screwtape and Poke the Box are both super short. I usually don’t have so many either!
I wholeheartedly agree about Bread and Wine. One of my favorites for the year so far, and I think it’s gonna stick.
I love The Screwtape Letters. I’m overdue for a re-read.

Anne Bogel recently posted…Making It Yours
That’s an impressive list of works, there! I’d like to read that book about the shepherding. It’s something I’ve thought about lately in terms of parenting, too! (See: http://blog.lifeway.com/parentlife/2013/06/19/being-a-shepherd/ )
Vanderbilt Wife recently posted…Child Hunger Ends Here
You would love it, definitely check it out.