When I turned 30, I took 10 days here to talk about each year from my 20’s. If you want to recount my college-graduating, marrying, having-baby days, they’re quick reads. Just remember they’re written from the 5-years-ago Amy at 29.
20th year / 21st-year / 22nd-year / 23rd-year / 24th-year / 25th-year / 26th-year / 27th-year / 28th-year / 29th-year
If you remember the original posts, you get 1000 extra bloggy points today! Thanks for traveling this road with me.
I wanted to pull out a section from that last post where I document wishes for the decade I’m exactly halfway through today (Yes, I’m 35 today!).
In the next ten years, I hope to be a better Amy, closer to God than ever before, raise two precious little girls as best I can and make the most of every single opportunity I have. Try not to be so busy I miss out on precious time I have with my family and yet seize fun opportunities as they come along.
I’m 5 years in and I can see I have changed. The 30’s have been teaching me who I really am.
I’ve shed a lot of my insecurities, settled into “the middle”, captured my role as a homemaker and have been gripped more than ever with love for Jesus.
At 40, there won’t be a list of long life-changing events like there were in the 20’s but the changes internally in the 30’s have been astounding.
I ran into these verses and they couldn’t be more appropriate for today:
Psalm 39.
4 “Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be.
Remind me that my days are numbered—
how fleeting my life is.
5 You have made my life no longer than the width of my hand.
My entire lifetime is just a moment to you;
at best, each of us is but a breath.”
My life is just a moment, but a moment nonetheless and I’m celebrating at this milestone all that God is doing.
Thank you for being a part of that. Esther’s words ring in my ear, for such a time as this. How fun that we get to share our lives across these wires, unlike any other generation ever? YOU are my gift today.
Happy birthday to one of my dearest and best friends. Time really flies, doesn’t it? That verse gave me chills. Feels like it’s going so quickly. … But time flies when we are having fun!
Melissa recently posted…Good one, Bible Belt
Thank you, friend.
Happy Happy Birthday Amy!!
Stacey recently posted…10 Things That Scare Me
Thanks, Stacey!
Happy birthday! I’m getting close to the big 3-5 myself. I’m glad to see it doesn’t seem to be quite as big of an event/stress-inducer as turning 30. =)
Sarah recently posted…“I wish I had a pillow like this in mine bed”
Definitely not!
So beautifully put and you are so beautiful inside and out! I love you and I’m so proud of the woman you have become. My firstborn, my sweet Amy. Love you, Mom
Thanks for everything
I have loved my 30’s more than my 20’s and those weren’t bad, let me tell you.
I am really looking forward to my 40’s (which aren’t that far off now).
Jenn (Student Mom) recently posted…Thursday Reflections
Yes, I think I can say I liked my 30’s more than my 20’s. Sometimes I wish I could redo my 20’s with what I know now.
Thinking about being in my 40’s still overwhelms me a bit.