Yesterday Annie posted about having fun. She says not only does she like having fun, she “spend(s) a portion of every day trying to think of ways to add fun to whatever activity” she’s doing.
She then goes on describe people around her that are no fun…the ones looking for ways to have “quiet” or “peace” or the ones taking Zumba class way too seriously. <—all me
She asked at the end of the post for how others have fun.
Honest to goodness, I could not think of any way to have fun. If someone had come in the door right then and said go do whatever you want no matter how much it costs and have fun, I would have come up blank.
I find things enjoyable like reading but fun? I don’t finish my book at night and say, “Wow, that was so much fun!”
I thought about it all night.
I even talked to my girls about it. Lexi seemed very concerned. “Don’t you like having coffee?” Yes, I do like having coffee with my friends. I mentally made a note.
I realized I really have fun going to the local theme park but we don’t often go because Scott hates heat and crowds and Lexi hates going anywhere mostly. Concerned Lexi quickly said, “Well, I would go if you wanted to go!”
I had a ton of fun the past weekend. I realized I love flying. I love eating out.
I was starting to remember fun.
I’m a conference junkie and legitimately find them fun when I’m not totally overwhelmed by them.
I really miss going to country concerts—those were fun. Scott and I used to go to the local country bar 2-3 nights a week and would line dance and attend the concerts on Friday nights. We quit when we got married but those were good times when we called heating systems draper ut and we bonded fixing the fire place.
I love live-tweeting a TV show when everyone else is tweeting too but with DVR hardly anyone watches live TV anymore.
I love having silly girl time with my girls. When they’re on a roll, they crack me up.
Movies are great, especially in the theater.
And loud music. I really like loud music. When I was a teenager, I had huge speakers in my car and pumped out songs like Gangsta’s Paradise.
So, I don’t know. I think I’ve lost my mojo a little. How lame is it that I had to think so hard about having fun?
This is really awesome. I hope you didn’t feel like fun is more important than quiet or peace- I don’t think that at all! And to be honest, I’ve spent tons of time thinking about peace and quiet. But it sounds like you are crazy amounts of fun, according to your list. No lost mojo there, sister.
Thanks for sharing.
AnnieDowns recently posted…one week. One Week! ONE WEEK!!
No, didn’t feel that way at all but I think I’ve been so heads down searching for peace and quiet among the busy that I forgot fun was a way to relax too. Thanks for the opportunity to stop and think about it.
PS. YOU are a lot of fun. Not sure if you remember meeting the last night of Allume last year but I tagged along with Mary Carver to the hotel room for cupcakes. You were a hoot and that night definitely goes down as FUN for me!
Oh girlfriend! What a heart breaking post. Not because you’ve lost your mojo, but because it made me realise I lost mine too. When did becoming and adult and parent = no more fun???
I think we need to change something here…
Jenn (Student Mom) recently posted…Panic
I definitely think we do! I’m going to try to be more deliberate about having fun–although that seems not fun :/
Oh goodness..yep..there with you. I take Zumba way too seriously (love that you said that!) and am constantly searching for that elusive ‘quiet’ – I think it’s because we have a toddler and there is NEVER peace and quiet. If someone told me I could go do what I wanted for 2 hours I’d go to Target and then take a nap. LAME. I was at Declare this weekend (side note…will I get to meet you at Allume?)…and realized I’ve missed being around people who make me laugh and who don’t need me to DO anything for them

Crystal recently posted…Tips for (in)couragement: Part Two
Yes! I’ll be at Allume. And yes–I think doing just about anything with friends is FUN!
Also–I’d still take a nap just about any day
I feel sometimes like I’m beating back my children’s sense of fun trying to have some peace and quiet. Something to consider.
Lately we’ve been playing games as a family – Go Fish, Old Maid, Uno, you know the kind of thing you can play with 4 and 2 year olds. And Mr. V has been playing the classic Mario 3 with Libbie. It’s fun! (Until the kids lose focus on playing cards and then I just go insane. But mostly …)
I have fun thrifting, singing along with musical soundtracks, hanging out with my sister and my mom, and playing Small World on the iPad with my husband.

Vanderbilt Wife recently posted…What I Wore Wednesday 8.14.13
No, at your stage, peace and quiet is definitely fun
We do love games as well.
I haven’t heard of Small World–will have to check that out.