Wow, how did we get to fix #7? Yes, yes, by getting 6 other shipments, thank you. But seriously, it doesn’t seem like I’ve had that many.
If you’re not familiar with Stitch Fix, it’s a personal styling service. You pay a $20 styling fee for a stylist to choose 5 items for you. You get to keep whatever you want, deducting the $20 fee from your total or use a postage-paid return envelope to return the rest.
As soon as I went through the fix, I was pretty convinced I wasn’t going to keep anything. I even threw it out on the Facebook page to see if anyone even wanted to see the fix. With a resounding yes, I started trying them on. And really, it was better than I thought.
But then…
My friend Katrina suggested I use the opportunity to be super silly and ham it up. And there’s a sweater with a flamingo in this fix and I just really could not get it out of my head. Plus, I’m supposed to be having FUN.
I’m sorry, lovely people at Stitch Fix and all the rest of the Internet, here is a silly photo shoot taken under the careful direction of my 8 and 10 year old girls. Katrina, I’m very sure this isn’t what you had in mind, but the kids thought it was grand.
This cardigan is actually doable. Just not sure about the color.
This is the one I’d consider keeping.
I don’t know, I just, yeah. I don’t like this pattern and whatever was going on at the neckline.
I realize it’s a thing to wear sweaters with animals on it, but I can not wear this sweater with a straight face after this. Also, I think I’m an Egyptian flamingo.
I could not even zip the back of this it was so small.
What say you, friends? You are still my friends, right? Can you see through all the silly to see if I am misjudging the fix or should I send it all back? I have $25 credit and all these are $50-60. I lose my styling fee if I send it back.
If you want to see the previous, very normal, fixes go here:
Lol! You are right. No good especially if you don’t feel good in them!
I agree with you on most of it, but I actually really love that purple sweater! It is one of my fav colors, though. Knowing Stitch Fix, it’s probably going to be a trendy color this year.
Sarah recently posted…Cooking School: Asian Cooking Toolkit
That’s the weird thing–purple is one of my favorite colors. Not sure why this particular one is holding me back.
I actually have that cardigan (I think from my first Fix) but it’s more of a burgundy color. That flamingo shirt and the crazy pattern shirt? NO! I do like the other shirt, the peachy colored one? I’m curious what’s going to be in mine this week!
Stacey recently posted…Parenting a Child with Migraines: Our Journey
I thought I remembered you having this cardigan but in a different color. I actually like the cardigan itself just not the shade of purple. Can’t wait to see your fix!
I loved this post, so much. It reminded me of that post you wrote awhile back about having fun – you are DEFINITELY having fun here! Hope you had a great back to school week!
Yes! Not sure if you noticed but I did reference back to that post in this one. It felt good to have fun
HA! I think I flew through to get to the pictures, LOL.
It’s too bad that dress doesn’t zip, because it’s super cute on you in both pictures! Really flattering.
Anne @ Modern Mrs Darcy recently posted…Living vicariously through the written word
The dress IS pretty adorable but it was like 5″ from being able to zip at the top. I took notes about the shoulders and sleeves–really like that style.
I’m laughing because I kept the orange and navy shirt with the all the pattern. I love it with gold jewelry and skinny jeans.

Cute pics!
Cyndi Spivey recently posted…What I Wore-Casual Summer Fashion
Seems like I remember seeing you in it now–and I’m sure you look fabulous!
What? I love the sweater with the flamingo. Kidding. That’s straight up crazy. They may as well have sent you a jumper…. with school bus buttons. I do think the cardigan is actually a really great color for you and we know how much you love a good cardigan. I think if I were going to keep one piece I’d keep that one.
Lexi said almost the same thing–you love cardigans!
Honestly, I have yet to see anyone’s Stitch Fix that is really very cute or worth the money. Glad to see you’re having fun with it at least
This is coming from a G-dub (Goodwill) girl, so any item over $4.99 is expensive to me! lol I think you could look cute in just about anything though!
Aw, thank you! I have found several cute items and with referral credits, it’s FREE so you can’t beat that!
That WAS fun! I do like the purple sweater and the peach one. AND I’m sending you my flamingo picture. You’ll see why!

Katrina recently posted…Reflections from a Reluctant Teenage Locavore
The peach one has a really cool back to it as well.
Thanks for the idea on the post–clearly making a raging idiot out of yourself is good for blogging
Almost all my successes in life have come directly from raging idiocy.

Katrina recently posted…Reflections from a Reluctant Teenage Locavore
You are hilarious and adorable. Can we be friends? lol
I actually really like the purple sweater and, before I lost my styling fee, I would probably keep that one.
Stacy recently posted…You Get a Line and I’ll Get a Pole, Honey
Aw, thanks! Yes, I’d love to be friends
Thanks for letting me be silly!
I loved all the pictures! I like the striped sweater- the one you said you might actually keep. The colors look great on you!
Thanks, Jacey! I like the striped sweater too actually. I wish it was another color but overall, it’s not bad. It has a really cool back on it you can’t see.
Amy recently posted…Stitch Fix #7
I love the cardigan! I think with your dark hair that the purple is very flattering on you!!
And I loved watching you have fun with your girls in this photo shoot!! I can hear them in my head giving you direction. 
Thanks! I think what’s holding me back is not knowing what I’d wear it over.
Anytime you need the girls for a photo shoot, just let me know

Amy recently posted…Stitch Fix #7
Flamingos? Whaaaaa?
I really like the striped dress and the purple cardigan. But, um, well, you know me. I’m not exactly fashion-forward. 

Mary @ Giving Up on Perfect recently posted…What if You Were the Mean Girl?
I really wish the dress would fit. I probably would keep that one if so.
Ok, I absolutely love the fun pictures of you. It give me/us a better look at you, your personality and facial expressions. Full frontal, posed pictures can be hard to get a character from.
Someone should do that.
Plus, I have to say I thought Stitch Fix was a completely different thing. I thought it was more like an organized bargain shopping network, and you just have to fix what you are sent, then keep what you like and send back the rest. Actually that’s not a completely bad idea….
Anywho, thank you for sharing your fun pictures with us. You are beautifully and wonderfully made – and that means primped and posed, or messy, fun and silly.
Enjoy your day!
Thank you, Deb. You’re always such a great encouragement!
Ok, this is probably a less than smart question, but how does one get their picture to show up on a comment?
Not a bad question at all because it’s not very clear. You go to and then link up your email you use to comment to the avatar you wan.t
Ok, thanks. I will look at that.
Thanks for posting the silly pictures!!!
WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD WEAR A FLAMINGO SWEATER? LOL. I actually love that dress but if it doesn’t fit that’s not an option. What did you decide?
Vanderbilt Wife recently posted…Saturday Linky Love
I like it as well. I wonder if I can ask for another size? I ended up sending all of it back!