Come October, I’ll be headed back to the Allume conference. This year, I’m excited to travel with my friend Becky!
Allume is being held in Greenville, SC which apparently is super busy the weekend of the conference so all the rooms got booked. Several attendees had to pair up in rooms. Becky and I got paired with a pair of ladies we don’t know but I’m excited to meet. It’ll be like summer camp!
Today we’re all sharing a few things our roommates should know—but I hope everyone can learn something new today.
Mary, me, Amanda at Allume 2012
First, y’all should know we’re partying in my home state! I live less than 2 hours away, just south of Charlotte, NC. But my home is in South Carolina. I know, it’s a little confusing. I never know whether to say I’m from Charlotte since that’s what everyone would know but it’s not even in the same state I actually live in. Anywhoo, I’m super proud to live here. Greenville is one of our lovely cities and I think everyone will fall in love!
This is my second year at Allume. Last year was both wonderful and overwhelming. I roomed with Mary, Amanda and Mandy. Mary and Mandy won’t be there this year since Mary is pregnant and Mandy just had a baby. Amanda is speaking this year!
I’m an introvert. That means a lot of things. Here’s a list of 23. That might mean you’ll come in the room during the day and find me crying. While I LOVE conferences, I get overwhelmed. It’s ok. I just need a minute to get it out and then I’ll be fine.
On the flip side, I do well in small groups so I might be a chatter box in the room. Especially at night. I love late night girl talks and if I know me and Becky like I think I do, it will be tough to get me to be quiet before sleeping.
However, I’m on East Coast time and I’m usually zonked by 10pm. You probably won’t find me out late at the parties and even if I’m talking, I’ll like the lights out earlier than later.
I love chocolate and coffee. If you can’t find me, look near the dessert tables first.
But I am gluten-free, so I can’t eat most of the goodies. I’ll be scouring for M&Ms.
When I travel, I’m a neat-freak so you won’t find my stuff scattered over the room. But, it won’t bother me if yours is. I have two kids and messes don’t scare me.
Speaking of my kids, I have two girls that are 8 and 10 so you might find me Facetiming them in the afternoons. I also like my husband pretty well. We just celebrated our 15th anniversary this month.
I rub my feet together before I go to sleep. Sorry if that’s weird.
I don’t care whether I shower in the morning or evening.
But I’ll need some breakfast before I can communicate well.
I do this What I Wore Wednesday post every week so I might ask you to take my picture.
I’m a social media addict so I’ll probably be Instagramming my food. Follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram so we can connect before the conference.
I love writing but my favorite thing about blogging is the connections with people. That means I’m super excited to meet everyone and I just know we’ll have a great time!
You can meet more attendees here!
I’m sure I’ll be the only one NOT instagramming my food.
You’ll be able to spot me as the girl with the baby in a carrier who doesn’t have a smartphone.
Vanderbilt Wife recently posted…What I Wore Wednesday 8.21.13
Can’t wait to meet you!!
Surely we met last year… right? I spent a fair bit of time with Mary and Amanda. But my mind is blank! Gah! I won’t be there this year, but I know you’ll all have such an awesome time.

JessieLeigh recently posted…Helping Support the Focused Student
Somehow I think we missed each other! Hate we’ll miss this year too.
Isn’t it fun to have Allume so close to home? I really want to sit down and chat with you this year … I was so sad it didn’t happen last year! I get overwhelmed with the crowds too, by the way!

Erin Ulrich recently posted…take your writing to the next level and learn how to self-publish!
Yes…let’s plan some time when it gets closer.
Can’t wait to meet you as well!! Yes introverts unite!

Kristin Smith recently posted…He Calls the Broken
Booooooo!!!! That’s me, protesting my own absence this year.
Unbelievably sad you won’t be there!! Booooo indeed.
Hi Amy,
Introvert here as well. I just get drained and need some quiet time. I tend to “watch” people and take in their behaviors and interactions and that freaks people out a little. Sometimes they think I’m not paying attention until I can break down an entire scene at a later date, ha ha. How God made each of us to need each other and Him fascinates me. I’m a Charlotte girl, but lived in Greenville for a while. Great city. Looking forward to meeting you.
Kim Adams Morgan recently posted…Things I’m eating
So fun to meet another Charlotte blogger! There aren’t too many that I have found.
I am a total newbie this year and bringing my hubby with me (I like mine too!)… so we are looking for things to do around the area before and/or after the conference! Pretty sure we are set on Charleston and maybe Asheville/Biltmore Estates… I wish we had more time! Anyway – I have already told him he won’t see me much during the conference… even though I am an introvert as well! I am hoping to press through it and really connect with whoever the Lord brings across my path (which will also be headed toward coffee and chocolate!)
~Karrilee~ recently posted…LAST – Five Minute Friday
Funny enough I am sitting in a car on the way to Charleston for the weekend as I type!! Charleston is really, really great and so is Asheville. You can’t go wrong with either of those!
Look forward to crossing paths with you!
Seriously need an all-Amy Smile Booth appointment this year. See you there!!!

Amy Tilson recently posted…10 Things Other Allume Gals Need to Know About Me & a Bonus FMF- Last
I live in North Carolina! But I’m about a four hour drive from Greenville though. I too am zonked by 10 it sometimes literally feels like midnight to me – crazy. Maybe we’ll run into each other at Allume.
Sandy recently posted…I Might Be a Superhero: 10 Things My Allume Roommates Should Know About Me
Another Charlotte blogger! I wonder how many of us there really are? And I’m in South Charlotte…so I know exactly what you mean by your location. Can’t wait to meet you at Allume!
Erin recently posted…In Case of Fire, Let Me Know
GF girls unite!!! I’ll be holding tightly to my special meals card too. You are so lucky to get to saunter on down to the conference. What a blessing to live so close. I look forward to seeing you again in October! Thanks for sharing these super interesting facts about yourself.
Debi @ recently posted…Five Minute Friday: WORSHIP
They were so good about accommodations last year! Hope to see you soon!
Amy – so looking forward to rubbing shoulders with some of you writers and bloggers that I’ve been reading along with! I so hear the being overwhelmed thing. A good cry does a body good. And the falling asleep by 10 pm EST? Yes. To. That!
Missy recently posted…Perspective – It’s a Good Thing
Missy, would love to spend some time with you! So fun meeting online friends!!