First, I must say yesterday’s post was so much fun! I blogged about all my favorite couples and then several of them commented and shared the post and it was like bloggy heaven for me.
Alright, on to today.
We are finally feeling like we’re getting the kids settled after redecorating because of our water leak. Today, I want to show you Lexi’s treehouse bed.
The inspiration for her room is this treehouse bed we found on Pinterest.
And here is what Scott built:
Obviously we still need a set of stairs but to date we’ve been using a step stool.
You can see how cool her view is from inside. The top is completely open and she has 3 other openings so it’s not stuffy at all.
One of the best things we did was utilize underneath for some storage. My mom had those baskets and they each hold her stuffed animals organized into types.
On the left there you’ll see I picked up a used shelving rack and put all her knick-knacks in it. Lexi loves collections of tiny things and previously, it was EVERYWHERE. That little shelf has been a lifesaver for her room.
I wanted to post a tutorial of how he built it but can you believe in all the years of having my camera, my computer deleted all those pictures in a bad transfer batch?
I can tell you he used two 2×4’s for each corner (so we didn’t use treated 4×4’s) and then used nice cabinet quality 4×8 sheets for the sides. He used a regular sheet of plywood for the bottom and more 2×4’s to secure it.
And finally, he used a bunch of 1/4” trim pieces to trim it all out.
We wanted to do whimsical cut wood pieces like in the inspiration photo but Scott’s OCD went into complete overdrive and frankly, I just didn’t have the patience to figure it out.
We stained it with Miniwax English Chestnut since Lexi wanted a dark color instead of the orangey look. If you know our house (you can see in the picture above), you’ll know it fits right in with all our dark wood.
In the rest of the room, we’re not done but I did get her bookcase stained this past weekend.
The bookcase is actually a shoe rack Scott made me when we first got married. It was turned on it’s side with long shelves. He took out the shelves, turned the bookcase upright and then cut the wood down to make the shorter shelving pieces. He’s so handy!
As for the drums, these are (I hope) temporary in the room. Scott was a drummer in the high school band and someone gave him a full set of drums years ago. They usually stay in the attic but the girls wanted a few down to play on.
As for the final wall, we reused the dresser we had in the guest room which is from our original bedroom set when we got married. We stained that ourselves 15 years ago.
I’m looking for a cool mirror for above the dresser and a good place for her jewelry stand and cork board.
So, this is how her guest room turned temporary room looked back in June:
And now, she’s got a cool treehouse bed!
Here is the treehouse updated with the stairs: