I’m back.
It’s been a whole month since I announced I was taking a bit of a blogging break and I’m thrilled to finally be back. It turned out to be quite a month and I tell you all about it in the video below:
For those unable to view video, here’s the cliff notes:
I needed the break more than I realized it when I took it. I did need a social media break, but I think there was a bit more.
First, we ended up spending the entire month, up until Memorial Day weekend installing our new above ground pool. Our other one died last fall and we decided to replace it ourselves (mistake). We had so much rain. What really should have taken an afternoon or two took weeks. Scott even got a big gash one Saturday we were working on it and had to get 8 stitches at the emergency room! It never seemed to end. But finally, we are done and I have to say it turned out really, really well and I’m super proud of all the work and very, very grateful for great family and neighbors that helped.
Here is one of many moments of Scott shoveling sand.
Here is my ah-dorable great nephew enjoying it on Memorial Day.
Second, just a day or two after I announced our break, we got a “lead” on a child to foster and adopt. Unfortunately, we found out just today that we were not the family chosen for him. However, we spent the entire month preparing for the possibility we’d have someone with us in mid-June. Of course we were preparing emotionally, but also we were starting to get the house in order to make the play room into the bedroom. We also were crossing off punch-list items around the house that had been building up while we were working on the pool.
While we are very disappointed the adoption isn’t moving forward, I trust fully that God has it under control and that we will meet our child one day.
Somewhere in mid-May I had Psalm 91:4 come to mind, “He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge.” I have no doubts God knew to put us in a little bubble this past month where we could concentrate on the tasks at hand.
So, thank you for letting me take a break and coming back. And please, if you’re feeling burned out yourself, it’s ok to take a break. Shut down the laptop and the phone. Turn off the TV. Say no to a few people and get some rest. We are all better mothers, daughter, sisters, friends when we invest in our emotional and mental health by resting.
And ya’ll, I’m glad to be back.
I’m glad you are back!!!
Thanks, friend!!
Hey! Welcome back :).
Yay! Welcome back!
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