A big blank page is staring at me, thinking of the right way to tell you what could be one of the top 5 events of my life.
There isn’t a more bloggable event–it’s the kind of stuff bloggers live for. Huge news. And yet, it feels like blogging is the least appropriate way to tell you.
I want each of your numbers so I can call you individually and say, “Put me on speaker, I have some good news.”
So let’s just pretend we’ve done that ok? You’re holding your phone, speakerphone is on, you’ve gathered the family and everyone is listening with smiles, your heart suspended just a few seconds.
And here’s what I’d say…
I just got a call from DSS and they picked us for a little boy!
Earlier yesterday I got a call from DSS from a worker I don’t normally talk to. She was asking if our records were up to date and whether we were still interested in a child being placed with us. She didn’t give away a lot more than that, but I knew something was going on.
A few hours later, I was on a phone call with work and I got a text from Scott to call DSS ASAP. I couldn’t because I was on a meeting that had to happen right then. I asked what was going on and I found out over text…DSS picked a child for us.
Choking back tears. Heart racing.
Scott sent his name and age and I can’t give you details yet, but his name has both familial and Biblical significance. It was like a big neon God sign in a text message.
I don’t know much yet and I can’t give you details even if I had them.
South Carolina holds placement committees when they are ready to place a child. They pick 3 or 4 families and a group from DSS holds a meeting and determines which family they feel is the best fit for the child. We were chosen for this child.
The next step is for us to be read his entire history next week. We then have a choice about whether to move forward and have a home visit with him. They’d like to place him by the end of this month.
This whole thing could come to a grinding halt next week, but we have our open door. And can I just tell you that the process we went through with the possible adoption in May may have been an absolutely necessary step for this one? A God thread. The name, the circumstances.
And can we talk about the timing with Independence Day? Freedom from the system. I feel like this could be it. But we could walk out the door just as fast as we’re walking in.
Will you pray for us in the coming week? Since the ball is in our court, we want absolute clarity and wisdom that this is the best choice both for us and him.
But y’all.
This could be our son.
Shoot, lost all the comments here when I made an update!
Jaynee, Shannon, Becky, Jenn, John, Anne, sorry! Thank you to anyone else whom I missed!
Congratulations! I know this is something you have been praying for for a long time. I will have you in my prayers this next week as decisions are made.
Yes, thank you, Denise. Much appreciated!
So exciting! Praying for guidance and wisdom!
Thank you, Alison!
This is my first ever post Amy. I work for DSS in NY and I understand how important this time is for him and you. His history could scare you, he may have serious emotional and/or behavioral issues. I believe God works miracles so I pray this child is capable of bonding. Please ask this question and know he can heal with your love.
I have high hopes based on what I know right now, but I am making a list of questions. Thank you, Lauren!