For the skimmers, please check out the question mid-post in bold! I need paint color help!
Yesterday I mentioned we’re doing a photo book for the adoption so The Boy (how else do I refer to him since I can’t use his name? A nickname, anyone?) can become familiar with us and our home. As I was going around the house snapping some photos, I realized there have been a few changes around the house I haven’t shown you yet. I suppose none of it is enough for one post on its own, but this will be a nice compilation of the latest changes around the house.
First, when we were expecting the other adoption to happen in May, we did a switcheroo with Lexi’s room with the tree house bed and the playroom. We FINALLY got rid of most of the girls’ toys (hallelujah!) and were able to condense the remaining American Girl (etc, etc) stuff to just the closet in the playroom.
My mom found a dollhouse bunk bed on Craigslist that Lexi fell in love with. The
best heating and air conditioning minneapolis convinced her to make the playroom into her room and leave the tree house bed for The Boy.
It’s an extremely small room so it’s hard to photograph, but here’s the playroom now as Lexi’s room:
The room clearly isn’t done as she’s still settling in.
So, her old room is now becoming cleared out for The Boy. He’ll get the cool tree house bed! How awesome is it that we have that ready for him?
I still have a bit of cleaning out to do. I already removed the pink birds. You can see them above the window in Lexi’s new room. I think I may just take the whole tree down.
Also, the angels at the top of the bookcase need a new home as well as other paraphernalia that Lexi has in there still.
And finally, that mirror seems a bit feminine. I was thinking a mirror with rope around it would be a good fit.
So, here’s the big debate in our house. Is the blue wall too much of a feminine blue? (And please, that is not an invitation to give me a lecture about reinforcing gender stereotypes, okay? Okay. I mean, I did have my daughter in a blue room with tree house bed which isn’t traditionally feminine. Anyway. Okay.)
Scott and Emma think it’s too girly, but Lexi and I are ok with it. Should we repaint the walls? What color would you do? I was thinking some type of khaki/olive-y green color might be nice if we did. Scott was thinking just maybe a different shade of blue.
So, moving on to the rest of the house, I finally replaced our 15 year old ficus trees in the living room.
I replaced them with some IKEA shelving. I shopped the house for some vases, plants and books and voila.
Hi, Bella!
Also, I finally splurged and bought a huge map from IKEA for our bedroom.
I’ve wanted one since seeing Tsh’s in her house last October. It really is a perfect fit. I love it so much. Sometimes I just like staring at it and really soaking it in. That’s nerdy, right? Yeah.
And finally, I moved the pictures that were previously there…
…and put them over by the fireplace.
Scott just loved me when he had to hang those.
So, that’s our house for now. It seems like it’s always fluid, always changing. I think Lexi has now lived in each of the 3 original bedrooms. But I love that we make the space we have work, thanks to Jose Real Estate. We could easily fill up a few more hundred more square feet in another house, but we love our location and who wants the hassle of moving? Not me!
And just for fun, here’s a picture from Palm Beach last year I’m thinking of including in the album.
I think we could fit The Boy on there too, don’t you?
Don’t forget to chime in with what color we should paint his room!
As for the paint color – I think it’s fine but if there is any chance it will bug you or Scott, go ahead and change it now while the room isn’t in use! Paint is easy to change, so you might as well change it to something that makes you really happy.
Mostly, though, I just wanted to tell you again how excited I am for you. Y’all are in our prayers every day.
Yes, I think it does bug Scott so maybe we should just do it. I’m pretty sure I’ve made all the decisions so far on the girly stuff
I would paint the boy room green:) or wait and ask him what his favorite color is or let him help pick it out later. That might be a fun way to start bonding perhaps? and yes, a rope mirror would be perfect.
I thought about waiting for him too but if it IS too feminine, I don’t want him to walk into a girly room as a welcome
Be on the lookout for the right mirror for me!
I bet we could totally make a mirror…
I agree with Dani, I think green would be cool…kind of like the treehouse is in the trees
And definitely a rope mirror. Have fun!
Yes, that’s what I was thinking too. But then, green is my favorite color so it’s not hard to convince me!
Well I asked the opinion of a 9 year old boy and he says go with green! He says the blue is fine but green would be better. He very specifically said the green like the inside of an avocado!
Ha, I love that he was so specific! And that is a great green! Tell him thank you!
I think you should ask your son! You may be able to just do an accent color to bring out the manliness. But I will say that jungle and animal and outdoor themes are often considered (by my son) to be more baby-toddlerish than super-hero, planet, Lego, and space themes. I am not sure why, but there you go. We just changed Dylan’s from a grey-blue that matched Ikea bedding to a deep blue that is more super-hero poster friendly. He is 7 if that helps at all.
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Oh man, I didn’t think of it being toddler-ish, but I can definitely see that. That would not be good at all. Thanks for that input. I’ll just start praying he at least likes the bed.
I’m all for asking him but I also want it to be ready. I don’t want to have to pull his room apart as soon as he gets here. Or maybe, we’ll wait until the day visit for him to see and give some input and we can do it in between then and the placement.
I think that blue is almost the same color we have in Gage’s room, ours might just be a little darker. We added brown accents and stuff to make it a bit more ‘boy’. If you were to find some decals of legos or animals or even the ones that look like roads, that color would make an awesome sky color.
I love that legos keep coming up
Roads would be awesome because Scott has a real, working traffic light he could put up.
I think the tree on the wall needs to go. That is what makes it look feminine to me. I agree with the mirror change. I think just by adding some “boy” prints and his toys it will look like a boy room. I vote for asking him what he wants though. That way he will really feel like it’s HIS room