As far as I’m concerned, The Boy is now Our Son.
I know I prayed to know–to really know–that he was ours, but I’m still surprised at how right it all feels. We walked into the meeting where I was literally eyeing the trash cans in case I puked. I was so nervous about what we might hear.
We saw his picture before the meeting started. I pulled them out and while I can’t describe him or show him to you, I will only say that I knew. I’ve been feeling like this is really it for several days–that this was the real deal. In fact, I sobbed last night as God gave me a glimpse into a much larger story he’s been writing. Something about seeing his picture, though, was the final stamp. I truly didn’t even need to hear his story to move forward. However, the meeting went very well. They read us his background summary, answered questions and then handed us all of his records to take him and study. I wish I could tell you details, but I will say I’m looking forward to showering him with love and attention.
I can tell you only that he is 8 years old.
And even with that small amount of information, I need to do some math for you and give you a peek into some things that God has been doing.
Do you know what was happening 8 years ago in our family? We were in the midst of my emotional affair. Our marriage was the worst it’s been. I just know Satan was trying to tear our family apart not only to ruin all of us, but also to stop this rescue. Coincidentally, at the same time this boy came into this world.
Two threads began. One birth of life and one attempted birth of death began.
And did you know, when we began considering adoption 3 years later, we were wanting a 3 year old? And do you know that he would have been 3 at the same time?
I have no doubts that it wasn’t just that God “let us have him” so that our timelines would “match” but that God specifically set that desire in our hearts so 5 years down the line, he could bless us with our son.
The celebration of his life rescued and our marriage redeemed.
Two threads tied together forever.
God is so stinkin’ awesome. I cannot even stand it.
As for next steps, we are thinking that Scott and I will meet with him at a park for an hour next week. From there, we schedule home visits and then hope to have him settled before school starts in August.
So many of you have reached out to tell us you’re praying for us and we so appreciate it. Clearly, God is near. Please continue praying that our path forward is cleared and that our hearts continue to be joined together as a family.
I walked into that meeting today ready to be sick and walked out doing a happy dance at the elevators.
And so it was..that she, having waited long and endured patiently realized and obtained what God had promised. Hebrews 6:15
I’m not a religious person…you know that about me, but I will make an exception and shout HALLELUJAH for y’all. I know so many wonderful people whose lives have been changed in magical ways through adoption, and I’m so thrilled to be adding you to the list!
Kaitlin recently posted…Tunes of the Week Edition No. 5
I’ll take it!! Thanks, Kaitlin!
Oh, I could love more how God makes things just-for-us special. As Robin Jones Gunn would say, it’s a God thing. I can’t wait to “meet” your son!
Jessie Weaver recently posted…A Prayer for You
Jessie! I love that you brought up RJG. In fact, I almost mentioned her in this post. I just read Victim of Grace. Do you remember how her daughter wanted that gazebo near their house? Totally feels like that for me and this.
YES! I really think I need to read Victim of Grace once a year. As a writer, mom, and daughter of God it just really hit me hard!
Jessie Weaver recently posted…Saturday Linky Love
Congratulations! I can’t even begin to imagine what type of emotions you are going through. But I pray that you all be very blessed. We often think about adopting, but now is not the moment for us. So happy you can make it happen. ♥ Anna
Anna Dusek recently posted…Free Social Media Icon Buttons
Lots and lots of emotions. I hope you get to experience one day
Dear God is this inspirational… God does work in mysterious ways and sometimes He just screams right at us!!!! I am soooooooo happy for y’all!!!!
Thank you, Suzanne!!
How remarkable! So excited for you guys! God is just the coolest, isn’t He!?
Kristy Tolley recently posted…Running in the Caribbean
Yes! Yes! Yes!
LOVE. : ) Can’t wait to see how the story continues to unfold!!