For some reason I was really nervous about what to cook for lunch and dinner on our full day visit Saturday. I’d been told he wasn’t a picky eater, but you know, I wanted him to enjoy it. My girls are picky and I didn’t want them complaining. Plus, I didn’t want the cooking to take too much time away from the visit.
I decided that maybe grilled cheeses would be good for lunch and spaghetti would be easy to throw together for dinner. Lexi and Scott aren’t huge spaghetti fans, but they’ll begrudgingly eat it, particularly when I make some garlic toast with it.
Lexi comes up to me Saturday morning before our visit and randomly asks, “What are we doing for lunch and dinner today?” The simple fact she’s asking this is out of character for her. Sometimes if she smells something cooking she’ll ask, but never two meals ahead.
I said, “Well, I was wondering too. What do you think?”
She says, “We should do grilled cheese for lunch!”
“No way! That’s what I was thinking,” I said, “What do you think about dinner?”
“What about spaghetti?” she said.
“What?! No way! That’s what I was thinking!”
She was so surprised! She later told Emma the whole story and couldn’t believe we had been thinking the same thing. I couldn’t either.
I made the spaghetti and he had 3 helpings. Even Lexi said, “This spaghetti is really good tonight. What did you do different?” (I had cooked the meat ahead and of time and used extra, if anyone wants to know.)
When we got back to his foster parents, I mentioned that he ate 3 helpings and she said, “Oh yeah, spaghetti is one of his favorites.” Of course it is!
Now, if all that is not enough, here is the kicker. I had forgotten about one day while journaling I was thinking about adding a 5th member to our family and how he could break the tie for our family disputes. Often, 2 of us would want one thing and the other 2 another. We would say we needed our little boy so he could help us decide. This often happens with spaghetti. Emma and I like it and Scott and Lexi are never thrilled. So, in my journal, almost as a joke, I wrote this on July 8th:
“I really hope he likes spaghetti so he can convince us to have it more :)”
Like, what?!
He calmed my worries about the meals, got Lexi involved so she could see God at work, let him have one of his favorite meals, and mine too, and flat-out fulfilled my desire I wrote in my journal weeks ago.
I mean, it’s so insignificant, almost silly, and yet God was paying attention to work all that together. God can use anything he wants, any time to bring glory to himself and yet at the same time, satisfy the desires of his children. He’s so awesome.
And guess who’s having spaghetti more often?? Pass the parmesan, please!
That is awesome! And yes awesome is a big word! (Ha!-another one of Lexi’s) He so cares about the little things which can become the “little” foxes. Love watching this unfold! Mom
That’s so wonderful. I love that God pays attention to the little things to show us how magnificent and glorious He really is – and that he actually DOES care about the little things that we imagine are insignificant. Your posts are really blessing me.
Jenn (Student Mom) recently posted…Branded with BioBalance
Yes he does!!
THIS is what God does! I LOVE it!
Amy, I am so enjoying reading along this journey that you’re on to bring your son home. The other night, I read aloud your other post to my husband and noticed I was getting goosebumps at all the ways God has provided and gone before you. Thank you, friend for sharing this all with us. Praying for you!
Cynthia Stuckey recently posted…Daily Grace Items on HUGE Sale at Dayspring!!!
Yes! I’ve gotten goosebumps along the way too! So amazing what God has done!