Bella at the dog park on our overnight visit
After our overnight Tuesday and then some important meetings that had to happen yesterday, I think I’m finally recovered emotionally. Today we are starting August off right and I thought I’d give a little State of the Adoption and talk about where we are in the process and what’s coming next – very quickly.
This afternoon Scott and the girls will go pick him up for our weekend visit. The weekend visit is the last step of our visits before we go sign the adoption papers at DSS. Nothing is ever set in advance because they always wait for the child to respond to each visit to plan next steps. I’m getting really good at saying, “I don’t know, we don’t have plans right now.” However, I was under the impression it would happen at the first of next week.
But, what I do know is when we sign papers, he will be placed into what they call pre-adoption placement. We will become his adoptive parents, but DSS will still visit monthly for a checkup and if he has to have major surgery or we go out of state, we have to let them know. After 3-6 months when they determine he is ready, we can file what I believe is called an adoption complaint with the courts. When we have that court date, that is when he will officially become a Bennett and DSS will no longer be involved. I can’t wait and I really hope it is even before 3 months!
The cool news about this weekend is they’ve given us the go-ahead to introduce him to our immediate families. Everyone is beside themselves and I’m really excited as well. We also hope to venture out of the house more and maybe do something cool like bowling and laser tag if he’s up to it–he’s never been so that will be super fun.
Assuming that our meeting with DSS happens next week, we can then share his name and picture and introduce him to YOU! You really just have no idea how excited I am for you to see pictures of all the things I’ve been writing about the last few weeks.
I’m already making plans with work to take a leave of absence for several weeks while we transition and bond so you know I am excited about that!
Of course, still be praying that the weekend goes well. Specifically, that he doesn’t get overwhelmed with too much.
Pray for the meetings to go quickly and smoothly next week.
And finally, please, please keep the foster parents in your prayers. I know they are excited for him, but also am sure it is very hard for them to let go.
Feel free to ask questions if you have them. Thank you, friends.
Excited for you guys! And continuing to pray! Love reading the updates. : )
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