Alright, guys, it’s here!!
We have set the placement meeting for 10:30 on Thursday, August 7th! We will sign all the papers for placement and then go pick him up at his foster home and MOVE HIM IN!!! Yahoo!!!!
And can we just talk about the fact that our wedding anniversary is Friday? Life is so weird. That young girl had NO idea that she’d be a mom of three, 16 years later.
The other AWESOME news is we do not have to wait the 3-6 months to file for adoption to the courts like we thought. We can go on Thursday to the attorney and give him the paper so he can go ahead and schedule our court date. We expect that would happen within a month!! Everything would be finalized then and he’d have our last name.
This also means I get to share his first name and pictures with you Thursday! I’m going to go ahead and work on a post with a TON of pictures so be standing by for me to publish it when we walk out of the meeting Thursday!! Make sure you are following me on Instagram because I already feel a family picture coming on! And, (and this is not a plea for likes) I do post updates in between posts over on the Facebook page.
And also?
IT’S HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can not wait!!!! Super excited for you:)
Suzanne recently posted…Going back to bed…
Eek! Thank you!
I am so excited for you all! As you know I am anxiously awaiting to see those pictures
The post is all ready to go
Thank you, Jenn
Hi Amy –
Been following your blog recently and this process is so exciting. Just wanted to offer one small comment of caution – I was a counselor with foster kids for six years so I am speaking from that experience. Have you talked with your son’s social worker about posting his info on the blog and have you talked with him about it? While sharing your life on a blog is second nature to you, it might feel different for him, especially at his age. Foster kids have had their lives so ‘exposed’ to so many people (judges, counselors, social workers, foster parents, etc) that sometimes they need to be protected more than other kids. Personally I would love to see his pic and learn about him, so believe me there is no judgment if you decide to go ahead and share him with us all. Just wanted to lovingly offer this thought. Thanks.
Melanie, thank you for this. It is second nature to me and I have thought about it, but maybe not in that context. I will not be posting any of his background history here, just planning on his first name and pictures of him with us (and the initial profile pictures I got). Our social workers said it was fine to post things after we signed papers and they know about my blog. I think it would be good to get his permission though. Thanks for keeping me straight!
Thanks for accepting it with grace. Hope this week is a beautiful time and hope that you get all of the support that you need as you adjust.