Hi. If you’re seeing this, it means everything is official.
Let me introduce you to our son, Jac0b.
These are the first picture we saw at the presentation meeting. I knew as soon as I saw them. Read to the end and you’ll see why.
From the first meeting at the park and when he came home to meet the girls:
Click through for the rest of all the pictures!
The half day visit:
First time in the van together
Full day visit:
Morning after the first Overnight at the dog park:
Weekend visit, meeting our families:
This one is so dark and grainy. My camera messed up, but had to share their first hug.
Jac0b and Scott racing
Lexi teaching him how to dive
Now, if that wasn’t enough, let me share with you a message I received from a friend I’ve only known online. She sent it January 19, 2013. Just days later we found out one of the boys we were pursuing was adopted by his foster parents. So, at the time it was very comforting to know God was still working. Now, it helps me know God has indeed placed our son with us.
I woke up in the middle of the night knowing God had to tell me something. At first I heard Him say, you abandoned me, but I never abandoned you. I pondered, prayed and just talked to Him about it for a while then tried to fall back to sleep. However, it wasn’t working. Finally after about 45 minutes I simply asked Him, is there anything else you want to tell me. (I’m learning, if I ask, He often just tells me)As soon as I asked, I saw an image of a little sandy haired boy 5/6 year old boy (think of the young boy in old yeller). I asked Him who it was, what was He trying to show me, I was filled with so much emotion. I saw your face, then Scott’s and your girls. I felt that God was showing me your son. I honestly just cried and began to pray. I didn’t know if my own mind was playing tricks on me or was this really His message.Last Sunday at church we started our annual 21 day fast, one of the jokes in church is who wants a baby. For the last 4 years, the church has fasted and prayed that several couples who had tried for years would have children. So far, every couple has been given their child/ren. This year when Pastor Josh asked, no one spoke up, but he knew someone was praying for a child, maybe they just weren’t in church that night. I believe your son is trying to find his way home and with God’s help, he will be there soon.
I just googled Old Yeller to see the boy. Wow. That’s insane!!!!
It really, really is. Wait to read today’s post. There was more to it…
oh Amy, I am in tears. I’m so happy for you and your family. Welcome home, Jac0b!
Thank you, Stephanie, for all your encouragement!
I am so overjoyed for you !!!!! God is indeed good !!
What a year, right?! Absolutely GOOD.
He is simply Heaven made for your family! Amazing how much he looks like a little bit of all of you! God placed him in your path and hand picked you as his Mom and Dad and the girls as his sister! I am so happy for all of you!
It really is kind of crazy how much he looks like us. Was not expecting that AT ALL.
God Is so Good, we are so happy for all of you
Yes, he is! Thank you for the support. Love you guys!
Beyond wonderful. Welcome home, Jac0b!
Kaitlin recently posted…Tunes of the Week Edition No. 5
Thanks, Kaitlin!
TEARS IN MY EYES, Amy! Just sooooo soooo much awesomeness.
LOVE YOU and welcome, Jac0b!
ohamanda recently posted…Duct Tape & Tshirts
Amanda, can you even believe it?
Love you too!!
He is such a beautiful boy! I’m so very happy for you. He looks like he belongs with you.

Leann recently posted…I am a Warrior
Thank you, Leann! I think so too
Seriously bawling my eyes out, I am filled with so many emotions and feelings seeing those pictures and reading this. Love! Love! Love! God is so good. May he continue to bless you all, joyfully & abundantly my friend.
Shannonnnnnn can you believe it????
As they say, seeing is believing! It’s him! So excited for Jac0b to have found his way home. Please tell him that I am so glad to finally “meet” him.
Congratulations to you and your family, Amy! I am so glad to have found my way to your blog on today of all days. What a wonderful, warm “place” you have here! = )
Thank you, Becky! I am glad too!!
Oh Amy, sniff sniff, I am so very happy for you, your family and that little boy. I have two boys and know you are taking on a challenge, but at the same time what a HUGE blessing for all of you. You are giving him something the birth mom couldn’t. We won’t know why it took this long, but God’s timing is always perfect. So many emotions and thoughts. So instead I’ll just send a hug and tears of joy.
Deb, thank for all the encouragement along the way. Hugs back to you!
I know that you have been planning and praying on this for years, and it is very exciting to see it come to fruition. So happy for all of you!
Yes, yes! Thank you, Tricia!
My heart is bursting with joy for you! What a precious gift!
Becky @ bybmg recently posted…June Darby Smart Box: Two Projects
Thank you, Becky! Joy is the exact thing I’ve been feeling too!
Amy, this is amazing. Congrats to your family welcoming a new addition. What a blessing!!
Thank you, Trina! Sidenote: I saw in my Timehop app the other day that I found your blog exactly 4 years ago. So glad we connected!
Oh Amy and Scott!!! You’re so awesomely blessed!! Brian and I are so happy for y’all!! Congratulations!!
Kela recently posted…As The Lord Leads Our 2014-2015 Homeschool Year
Thank you, Kela!
So so so happy for all of you!! Welcome home, Jac0b!! Congratulations to your brand new wonderful family!! xoxoxo
Marla Taviano recently posted…the good, the bad, & the buggy
Marla, you absolutely have a part in this. You always encourage me so much in my walk. Thank you.
This is like the beginning of a really good story…. I can’t wIt to keep reading…
Suzanne recently posted…Going back to bed…
Yes, I do feel like this is a story. I was thinking it was the end to one, but I think you are right that this is just the beginning.
What a beautiful blessing! Congratulations!
Barbie recently posted…Five Minute Friday: Fill
Thank you, Barbie!