I know many of us are counting down to Christmas. Ten days to go! But in our household, another countdown has been ticking. Three days left now until our court date.
I think a lot of people celebrate “gotcha day”–the day the child comes to live with them and the court date is just a footnote. And hear me, August 7th will be well-celebrated and cherished for the rest of our lives. But, for some reason we’ve all been holding our breath for our court date when the adoption is final and he gets our last name. Maybe because Jac0b put so much stock in it. Or maybe because we were still having visits from DSS and it all felt a little like a trial period–is this all going to work or fall apart?
Four months in now, as we stare down this day, it’s starting to become real. I liken it to getting engaged. You know it’s all going to happen, you love that person and every plan that can be made for forever is being made, but until you say “I do” and that pesky question about whether someone wants to stop the whole thing is met with silence, it doesn’t feel done.
And that’s what I hope this Thursday brings–the security of knowing DSS is out of the picture (sorry, DSS, we do appreciate you), documents are filed away, new documents are created, last names are changed, and the sense that finally everyone is in 110%–legally–just like we have been this whole time.
I’m praying for Jac0b–and I hope you do too–that God gives him just what he needs this week. It’s hard to say what that might be. Maybe an acceptance of leaving his old name, maybe just an extra dose of security and peace, maybe some love for us and hopefully a lot of joy–a whole lot of joy. I know he has some angst about leaving his old name as excited as he is about his new one. I can’t imagine what’s going through his head. Even as an adult, it’s so much to comprehend. I guess most of all I just want him to feel that he’s loved and accepted and that his future is full of hope and redemption.
Would you also pray for my girls? They have been such troopers these last months. Change is hard for any kid, but this is at the top of the “Hard Things Kids Might Go Through” list. They’ve experienced all sorts of emotions and continue to and my prayer for them is simply that love, compassion and acceptance overwhelm them. And yes, some joy too, please.
Some prayers for me and Scott as we continue to navigate this new family of ours wouldn’t hurt either.
Thank you, friends, for being on this journey with us. I feel so much like you are an extension of our family and your support means the world.