With the adoption taking up most of the writing here these past months, I haven’t had a chance to link to the books I’ve been reading. Many of the books I read this year weren’t published in 2014, but they came at just the right time to me.
In no particular order, these are the top 10
Daring Greatly
I wrote a bit about this book here to me, Daring Greatly is one of the books that should be required for life.
Battlefield of the Mind
I’m going to call this one the most life-changing book of the year for me. It showed me so many ways I was in bondage mentally and was a catalyst for God doing a mighty freedom work in my life. I look back now over 6 months later and feel like I’m living a different life internally than I was before. I believe God used this message to prepare me for our adoption and all the mental exhaustion we’ve endured.
Victim of Grace
Victim of Grace was another well-timed and applicable book. It’s a memoir about an author’s journey that bears a few similarities to mine. I was so encouraged by her story and was challenged to believe that God was working everything together.
Forever Mom. What to Expect When You’re Adopting
I wish I would have read this book before we adopted instead of several months into it. In any case, it did help me approach my parenting to Jac0b in a new way.
Man, this was a good one. Revolutionary for my life. If you are a people-pleaser in any way, feel drained from relationships or are reading these words, you need to read this book!
You’re Going to be Okay
I love Holley Gerth-her writing and her as a person. She’s so down to earth and warm and encouraging. I’ve had this book in my kindle for some time, but I picked it up just a few weeks ago and it felt like it was written just for me. If you’re going through any sort of stressful time, this is the one for you.
Soul Keeping
Soul Keeping is one those read-it-once-a-year books. I learned a lot about the mind, soul and spirit and was encouraged to do soul-giving activities. In fact, I might just read this for the new year.
Kisses from Katie
Here’s another one I was late on reading, but it’s the story of how a girl in her early twenties adopted 14 girls in Uganda. Inspiring, challenging and encouraging.
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society
This historical fiction was a fun one to read. The book is written in letters that sounds like it could be annoying, but actually works. It’s World War II era near Europe. It sounds like it could be depressing, but it’s not.
Outlander (<–Click! Kindle version is only $1.99)
Technically, I’m not 100% complete with Outlander. 600 pages is a lot! But I can already tell you, this was by far my favorite fiction read of the year. Yes, I’m on the bandwagon, finally. It comes with lots of adult-only warning labels, but it’s good writing with good characters.
I had a goal to read 50 books this year and only made it to about 33 plus a few half-read books. But still, given all our changes this year, I’m proud to have finished that many and very satisified with the return on the ones I read. Life-change, entertainment, encouragement, inspiration–books are the best!
Oh, speaking of reading, I’m leading a group to read through the Bible in 90 days starting on January 1st. I’ve done it several times and it is always such a blessing. I remember the first time I did it, it totally changed my perspective of God’s story. Request to join our closed Facebook group over here. We always have great discusssion, encouragement and reminders!
Agh, I wish I just LOVED to read nonfiction. I always fall to the temptation of digging into another novel when I know I would benefit from reading more nonfiction. I still haven’t finished Battlefield of the Mind, although I read enough to take some of the message to heart and often pray for the Holy Spirit to occupy my brain!
Remarkably, I have read Kisses from Katie and Victim of Grace. Probably because they are more memoirs. I reread Katie’s book this year – it is so inspiring! And of course, I would read Robin Jones Gunn’s shopping list. She is my favorite.
Jessie Weaver recently posted…My Top 10 Favorite Books from 2014
Yes, I was very heavy on the nonfiction this year. It took me a long time to love it, but I do now. It’s kind of addicting after awhile to see how life-changing even just one sentence that stands out can be.