Last year, and years before, I made a nice long list of things I wanted to accomplish for the year. Looking back, I can see where I marked some goals off, but many were downright wishful thinking. I love that Crystal over at, who I modeled my goals after, found much of the same results. It was just too much!
While she decided to simplify her goals in a similar format, I felt led to go the One Word route again this year.
This year feels like a year to buckle down and FOCUS.
In years past, I always felt a bit like the adoption was hanging over our heads. We had DSS always watching us. Jac0b’s room was sitting empty and I was never sure what to do with it. The future felt like a big question mark. Of course, so much of that settled last year. Nearly five months into the adoption, I feel like I’ve worked through so much of the confusion and grief of the first few months. I definitely feel like I can leave so much behind and focus on what’s ahead.
But, I am so easily distracted by many things that are perhaps good, but not best.
As part of the 90 day Bible reading plan that began on the 1st, we read about Eve. She ate the fruit not because she was trying to do something bad, but because she thought it would help her. She thought it would be pleasing. She thought it would provide sustenance. She thought it would make her wiser. And the simple truth is God had said no.
There are so many good things I could say yes to, but this year I want to focus on the things He has put in front of me. In short, my relationship with Christ, my marriage, my kids, my job, our small group, my friends, my writing here. God has been laying the word “podcast” on my mind over and over for a few weeks. So, even though I feel entirely inept, I feel like it’s going to be part of my year. I want my kids to thrive in school. I want them to thrive in their relationship with Christ. I want to make solid memories with them. I want my marriage to flourish.
The phrase “know Him and make Him known” has also been floating around in my heart. If I can filter these important things to me…kids, marriage, job, writing…through that phrase–to know Him and to make Him known, I think it will help focus my attention directly where it needs to be.
Mostly, what I keep feeling is that if I just focus on Him, He will direct my next step in all things.Does that feel like a cop out to goals? Yeah, maybe it does. And I think that’s exactly what I need this year.