Sometimes messages get lost in social media and email and so I wanted to reiterate today that yes, I’M STARTING A PODCAST AND IT LAUNCHES TOMORROW, MARCH 10TH!
I thought I’d take a little time to talk about what to expect on Tuesday and going forward.
How about a little Q&A? I’ll try to imagine a question you might have, pose it to myself and answer it. Yes?
Amy, you’re starting a podcast? What is it about?
Great question, friend! The podcast is all about faith and it’s called Feathers. In each episode, I’ll be interviewing a guest and having them share their faith stories. These are the stories where God called them to something, it felt scary or didn’t make sense, and yet they obeyed and we get to see God do what He does–works it out in His way. Or, perhaps God led someone through a season of suffering and asked someone to remain faithful.
Why are you doing this and why should I listen?
As it turns out, this podcast about faith is one of those times God is calling me to something that was never on my radar. It feels scary and is requiring me to step out in faith and obey. As I’ve pondered this the past few months, what I think God wants is simply for His people to believe Him more.
Jesus talked about some people having small faith and some people having great faith. I don’t know about you, but I want great faith. 1 Peter says our faith is worth more than gold. I believe one way our faith grows when we hear others share their stories of God working in their lives. This podcast is simply another platform for people to share their stories to give glory back to God for what He’s done and to encourage others in their own walks. I hope people can take flight in their own faith.
Why is it called Feathers?
I’ll tell the whole story in the first episode that launches on Tuesday, but if you want to read aboout it, here’s a summary post. The short version is God has placed feathers in my path the past few years to confirm His work in my writing and in our family’s adoption. The feather is simply a symbol of a faith-building time in our lives and a nod to God’s word where it says we should soar on wings like eagles.
Who is on your podcast?
Right now, the guests are other bloggers. You’ll hear from Jessie and Kathy tomorrow and I have several interviews completed with more. In the future, it might just be someone you know in real life. I’m open to interviewing anyone who has an amazing story and can share it. Once you hear the podcast and you know of someone that would make a great guest, let me know!
How often will you have the episodes?
Well, for just this Tuesday, 3 episodes will be released together. The first episode is called Episode Zero. Basically, it’s like an intro episode to the podcast that I do by myself. I talk a bit about faith, tell my feather story and why the podcast is called Feathers and then share what to expect in future episodes. Episodes 1 and 2 with Jessie and Kathy will be released at the same time (different blog posts).
From then on, a new episode will be released every Tuesday.
How long are the episodes?
The intro episode is 25 minutes. I don’t have a set length for the interview episodes, but it’s turning out to be 30-40 minutes.
How can I listen to the podcast?
You are going to have several options.
- Option #1 – Listen right here on the blog. Each episode will be launched with a corresponding blog post. Within the blog post, there will be a player and you can listen directly from there.
- Option #2 – Listen on your mobile. If you have an iPhone, you have a built-in app called Podcasts. In there, you will be able to search for “Feathers”, subscribe to the podcast and listen from the app. If you have a non-Apple smart phone, you should be able to download the Stitcher app and do the same.
- Option #3 – Listen from iTunes. If you have the iTunes app on your desktop, you can search in the iTunes store for “Feathers” and you should be able to scroll down to the Podcast section and find it. As of this writing, the iTunes store has not approved the listing so it’s not there yet, but I will let you know as soon as it is.
How can I get notified of a new episode?
So, you’re telling me you’re not going to be anxiously awaiting a new episode every Tuesday? Fine. I highly recommend you joining my email list. You’ ll get an email with every new post from the site. I’m working on one specifically for the podcast episode blog posts and when I get that set up, I’ll let you know.
Alright, that’s all the questions (and answers) I have for now. Let me know if you have more. I’ll be happy to answer them (clearly).
In closing I’ll just request two things from you.
Will you please take some time this week to listen? And when you do, will you give me a heaping dose of grace? I still think God could have gotten a gazillion other people who are more qualified. My intros could be better, the sound could be better, my responses could have been better. But you know what? The whole thing isn’t about me, it’s about you seeing Him. He showed up in these conversations and I’m praying like crazy you meet Him there.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for traveling this journey with me. I do believe these wings are ready to take flight.
I’m trying not to think about how I hate my voice and am excited!! Can’t wait to hear the other episodes, too.
Jessie Weaver recently posted…Beefy Enchilada Soup {Secret Recipe Club}
You have nothing to worry about there! Your voice is actually very soothing!
Very excited about this
I just saw you post this in the IF Local fb page!
So excited you hopped over and hope you get to listen, Ashley!!
SO very thrilled for you and cheering you on, my fellow podcasting friend!! xoxo #FaithPodcasters
Jacque Watkins recently posted…When the Struggle is Great and You Want to Just Quit {Deeper Waters Post}
Thank you, thank you, Jacque!