See Like Father, Like Daughter #1 for reference.
So I’m sitting here and Lexi says for me to look at the TV. I lean over to see she wants some swimming My Little Pet Shop puppies. They do this a lot, telling me to look at the TV for toys they want. Darn commercials.
I go back to work.
Next commercial comes on and she wants me to look at the TV, “Mommy, can we get that?”
I lean over to see the TV and it’s an OxiClean commercial.
Lexi: If we got our dollys dirty we can get them clean. Can we really get it?
That’s hilarious!
At least they’re thinking practially, and not just wanting the material objects.
A girl after my own heart (and Scott’s, too, apparently)
Melissa Oyler’s last blog post..Because it’s really all about the beer