EVERYONE is talking about this Janet Jackson thing. It is all over the Internet. My sister IMed me this morning about it. My mom called me about it this morning. Even Scott heard the guys at the jail talking about it. I just went and got the mail and I overheard a lady standing by a lady’s car talking to her about it. That lady is swearing up and down it was an accident. That it was supposed to just show a bra or something and an extra layer came off. After seeing <a target = “_blank” href=”http://www.drudgereport.com/mattjj.htm”>this </a> (BEWARE! NUDITY!), I have to say that my mind changed from accident to planned. I mean, WHY would Janet have that medallion on if it wasn’t planned to be shown?
Not too much like me
Not too much like me to post lots of these type things, but here’s another link to a<a href=”http://www.weathergraphics.com/tim/quiz.htm”> Language Test</a>.
Mine says: 54% (Dixie). You are barely into the Dixie category!
The Panthers didn’t win, but
The Panthers didn’t win, but what a game right?
And I completely missed the whole <a href=”http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2004/football/nfl/specials/playoffs/2003/02/01/bc.fbn.superbowl.jackso.ap/index.html”>Janet Jackson, bare breast thing </a>at half-time.
Stolen from Kristine. Yeah,
Stolen from <a href=”http://kristined.krsmith.net/”>Kristine</a>. Yeah, I’m an East Coast girl
<img src=”http://www.world66.com/myworld66/visitedStates/statemap?visited=DCFLGAKYMDMANYNCPASCTNVAWV”><br/>
<a href=”http://www.world66.com/myworld66/visitedStates”>create your own visited states map</a>
or <a href=”http://www.world66.com”>write about it on the open travel guide</a>
Scott is sleeping from work
Scott is sleeping from work last night and Emma is sleeping since we came back from church. Have I ever mentioned how much I like getting out at 11:15 instead of 12-12:15? It is incredible how much difference 1 hour makes.
Church was really good this morning. The pastor talked about a Christian’s view of the world. We should not be separated, in it, controlling it, but connected with the people of it. Jesus dedicated his life to people and that should be our purpose. Sometimes I wonder if Scott and I are going to be called to missions. I don’t know why I think that but then I realize we are all called to missions. Whether it is in Russia, Africa, or our own back yards, Christians are called to spread God’s message. I know, how corny and redundant that sounds, but the truth of the matter is I’m really tired of being hesitant or even ashamed to talk about it. Fear stops me from talking about the one thing in my life that is most important to me. It’s ridiculous and I’m a coward. You know, people are always talking about having tolerance and being proud of you who are. But most of the time, when they think of being tolerant of someone, they think of someone gay, or an atheist or just someone different than “the norm”. Well, you know, I need to be proud of who I am and be able to say that I’m a Christian (which by the way, is not so much “the norm” anymore. only 2% of my generation claims to believe in Christ) and yes, I do believe that I’m right about what I believe and I do believe people should not only be tolerant of me but even listen to what I have to say. I’m not saying I want to shout on the rooftops what I believe and “push it down people’s throat”. I’m just saying I want to have faith in my faith and not feel foolish about it or embarrased. I think I’m so busy being tolerant of others, I’m not even tolerant of myself.
Anyway, Scott brought me home his W2 yesterday. Yeah! Which I am happy to report looks like it’s going to be better than I thought as far as the return is going. And of course, now it is February 1 and I STILL do not have my W2 and it is driving me up the wall. It better come tomorow. I’m not quite sure what I’ll do about it, but… LOL
Oh! Dinner last night turned out really good! The roast was just as yummy as Mom’s. Even my dad commented that it was a good meal. And the cool thing was it was so easy to cook it in the crockpot! Anyone have any other good crockpot recipes?
Since my parents and sister
Since my parents and sister are coming this evening, I thought I would make us some of my mom’s yummy pot roast. I knew it wasn’t hard but didn’t know what kind of meat to get. I finally found the chuck roast I was supposed to buy. I don’t know how many pounds it was, but it was like $14. And let me tell you, standing in line at the check-out, I felt like a woman buying that thing. I had a big piece of meat and I knew what to do with it! LOL
I always feel bad when
I always feel bad when Emma gets on my nerves, but boy, she was all over them this morning. It was very obvious she was tired, so I tried to get her to nap. Scott has been handling that all week since he has been home. They take their nap together. Well, I guess she didn’t care for me to put her to sleep. So I would let her down and then she would just whine about everything so I would pick her up and she would scream bloody murder for that. I couldn’t win for losing. She finally gave it up and has been asleep for 30-40 minutes. I don’t expect her to sleep more than another 30 minutes. At least I got dressed, got my make-up on and did some laundry. Phew!
Sometimes in recovery of an
Sometimes in recovery of an addiction, you slip
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