We have a play date this afternoon! This is the same mommy/daughter we had gone to the zoo with last year. She called me up this morning and I had already been thinking about doing the same. I guess you could say I’m skipping out on work for an hour or two to go over to their house today. I can’t wait!
We have a play date
We have a play date this afternoon! This is the same mommy/daughter we had gone to the zoo with last year. She called me up this morning and I had already been thinking about doing the same. I guess you could say I’m skipping out on work for an hour or two to go over to their house today. I can’t wait!
Emma is really started understanding
Emma is really started understanding what we’re saying. Last night I told her it was time to go get a bath. She leaves the living room and trots into our dark bedroom to our bathroom where she waits for me to come in and start running her bath water. Today, I told her it was time to go change her diaper and she went into her room and waited by the glider for me to put her on the changing table. She’s such a smartie
Here’s a few pictures… <b>can anyone tell me how to make them not see-through without changing the other stuff??</b>
Any time you ask Emma a question, she puts her hands out like this…<br/>
<img src=”http://www.javamama.net/amy/100_3299s.jpg” border=”0″ /> <br/>
Emma loves to “give love” to her new baby cousin… <br/>
<img src=”http://www.javamama.net/amy/100_3329s.jpg” border=”0″ /> <br/>
Emma had a ball with the crayons and markers we opened today. Unfortunately, I think she tried to color herself instead of the coloring book. <br/>
<img src=”http://www.javamama.net/amy/100_3351s.jpg” border=”0″ /> <br/>
Emma is really started understanding
Emma is really started understanding what we’re saying. Last night I told her it was time to go get a bath. She leaves the living room and trots into our dark bedroom to our bathroom where she waits for me to come in and start running her bath water. Today, I told her it was time to go change her diaper and she went into her room and waited by the glider for me to put her on the changing table. She’s such a smartie
Here’s a few pictures… <b>can anyone tell me how to make them not see-through without changing the other stuff??</b>
Any time you ask Emma a question, she puts her hands out like this…<br/>
<img src=”http://www.javamama.net/amy/100_3299s.jpg” border=”0″ /> <br/>
Emma loves to “give love” to her new baby cousin… <br/>
<img src=”http://www.javamama.net/amy/100_3329s.jpg” border=”0″ /> <br/>
Emma had a ball with the crayons and markers we opened today. Unfortunately, I think she tried to color herself instead of the coloring book. <br/>
<img src=”http://www.javamama.net/amy/100_3351s.jpg” border=”0″ /> <br/>
Yesterday Scott’s mom, dad, grandmother
Yesterday Scott’s mom, dad, grandmother and 2 cousins came down for a visit. Sometimes this many people over stress my out, but we had a great visit. I made spaghetti casserole for everyone for lunch and it was SO good.
Last night Scott and I watched Pirates of the Carribean and I was really impressed, especially with Johnny Depp. I loved all the dry humor and riddles he talked in. I found myself LOL lots. I could have done without all the skeletons, but it was kind of cool when Jack and the other Captain were fighting in the cave and they kept morphing. I was going to watch the “extras” on the DVD but we went ahead and took back the rental so we could get $1.00 off since we returned it early. We are going to watch SWAT tonight. Guess who picked that out??
After participating in AWANA on Wednesday, church was so different this morning. I was actually able say good morning to two people I knew before church and in Sunday School, I was actually included in some conversations! It was great to feel involved again. I think it always helps when Scott is with me too. He is like a natural magnet. His job makes for easy conversation starters.
So Scott and I have been talking about a second baby. I really would prefer a baby in the spring (as in 2005) but I also wanted them closer to 2 years apart. This might sound awful, but in my head I think Scott could get the transfer back home if they knew I was pregnant (which I’m not). I could list a whole page of hardships if I got pregnant right now. I certainly don’t want to have a child because of a job, but if we’re planning one anyway…
It’s been 6 months since we’ve moved now and really, it hasn’t been TOO bad. The hardest part is getting everything packed and being gone for days at a time. Emma gets off schedule and it’s hard running around town non stop when we’re there. I have to say it has been nice to be away from family sometimes. Never having to worry about whose family we’re eating dinner at, not hearing every single fight everyone’s having. And it’s been nice to spend time with just Scott and Emma. We both definitely want to go back home, but maybe this time we won’t plant ourselves 5 minutes away from each family’s house. Scott has already called someone to get some advice on how to handle approaching his transfer request. Our lease runs out in June and hopefully by then I’ll be pregnant so in the next 6 months hopefully we’ll have either moved back or at least have plans to.
A lot happened this past year…
Scott went to academy
Emma’s first year
We moved away from home(town) for the first time
Scott started the highway patrol
I started working from home
Pap passed away
With the plans we have, I’m not doubting this year will be just as busy! *Big breath*
Yesterday Scott’s mom, dad, grandmother
Yesterday Scott’s mom, dad, grandmother and 2 cousins came down for a visit. Sometimes this many people over stress my out, but we had a great visit. I made spaghetti casserole for everyone for lunch and it was SO good.
Last night Scott and I watched Pirates of the Carribean and I was really impressed, especially with Johnny Depp. I loved all the dry humor and riddles he talked in. I found myself LOL lots. I could have done without all the skeletons, but it was kind of cool when Jack and the other Captain were fighting in the cave and they kept morphing. I was going to watch the “extras” on the DVD but we went ahead and took back the rental so we could get $1.00 off since we returned it early. We are going to watch SWAT tonight. Guess who picked that out??
After participating in AWANA on Wednesday, church was so different this morning. I was actually able say good morning to two people I knew before church and in Sunday School, I was actually included in some conversations! It was great to feel involved again. I think it always helps when Scott is with me too. He is like a natural magnet. His job makes for easy conversation starters.
So Scott and I have been talking about a second baby. I really would prefer a baby in the spring (as in 2005) but I also wanted them closer to 2 years apart. This might sound awful, but in my head I think Scott could get the transfer back home if they knew I was pregnant (which I’m not). I could list a whole page of hardships if I got pregnant right now. I certainly don’t want to have a child because of a job, but if we’re planning one anyway…
It’s been 6 months since we’ve moved now and really, it hasn’t been TOO bad. The hardest part is getting everything packed and being gone for days at a time. Emma gets off schedule and it’s hard running around town non stop when we’re there. I have to say it has been nice to be away from family sometimes. Never having to worry about whose family we’re eating dinner at, not hearing every single fight everyone’s having. And it’s been nice to spend time with just Scott and Emma. We both definitely want to go back home, but maybe this time we won’t plant ourselves 5 minutes away from each family’s house. Scott has already called someone to get some advice on how to handle approaching his transfer request. Our lease runs out in June and hopefully by then I’ll be pregnant so in the next 6 months hopefully we’ll have either moved back or at least have plans to.
A lot happened this past year…
Scott went to academy
Emma’s first year
We moved away from home(town) for the first time
Scott started the highway patrol
I started working from home
Pap passed away
With the plans we have, I’m not doubting this year will be just as busy! *Big breath*
THANK YOU ALLISON…AGAIN! I have a temporary home here but hopefully within the week everything will be set up like it’s supposed to be!
I have family visiting today, so even though I want to post at my new home some more, I’ll have to wait until later!
THANK YOU ALLISON…AGAIN! I have a temporary home here but hopefully within the week everything will be set up like it’s supposed to be!
I have family visiting today, so even though I want to post at my new home some more, I’ll have to wait until later!