I’ve always wanted to read through the Bible. I don’t know how many times I’ve read Genesis and Exodus but I never make it through. I’m planning on signing up and actually doing this. Thanks to Jeana at Days to Come for sharing.
blog stuff
Thankful Thursday
Wow, so many things to be thankful for today and glad this post ends up on Thanksgiving!
Our House
Health of everyone – some need prayer but I thank God He’ll answer them!
My work situation working out in my favor
Scott getting to train someone like he wanted
The girls getting potty trained – I didn’t buy diapers this week..yay!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!
Thankful Thursday
- So incredibly thankful for the potty training success this week. Thanks to my mom who insisted we needed to start–sometimes the Mom speeches do work.
- For the rain last night and this morning.
- For the time off work this week and in the coming weeks.
- For the extra $$ rolling in daily from our favorite paid posting sites.
- For a helpful husband who rolls up his sleeves and does the dishes for me when the sink is overflowing and I just can’t seem to tackle it.
Works for me Wednesday: Picasa
I’ve been a lover of Google products for quite some time. Probably going on 10 years now. Today I want to tell you about a few features on Picasa that I absolutely love that makes blogging easier for me.
Sometimes for posts like the recent birthday party post, I need a small set of all the pictures I took. The easiest way for me to do this instead of rambling through the pictures in explorer one by one, I use Picasa’s Hold and Export features.
When I come across a picture I want to include, I hold it in the tray on the bottom left. Once I have all the desired pictures, I then use the Export feature. When I export them, I can choose what size to export them and what folder to export them to. That way, all the pictures I want to blog on for a particular post are now downsized to the desired size and are in one place. When I’m done with the post and have uploaded the pictures, I simply delete the temporary folder.
I’m sure there are easier ways, but this works for me!
To see more Works for Wednesday posts, head on over to this week’s carnival at Rocks in my Dryer.
Friday’s Feast
Almost forgot to do this today…
Which snack do you like to get when you go to the movies?
I usually don’t get anything because I’m cheap like that. But if I splurge, I go for the Reese’s pieces. Also will eat popcorn if someone else gets it.
What year did you start using the internet?
My dad bought our first home computer in 1993.
What is your first name in Pig Latin? (Here’s how to speak it if you don’t already know!)
uh..amyay..amyway…myway…myaway..i have no clue and for some reason can’t figure it out. Anyone know?
Main Course
Name something you are picky about.
The toilet paper being rolled from the top not the bottom.
Fill in the blanks: I ____ ____ yesterday and I ____ ____ today.
I had my hair cut yesterday and I liked it better when I styled it today.
Thankful Thursday
- I’m actually thankful for the time change this week and that I’m up at 7:10 and that gives me time to have a devotional in the morning and actually get clothes and makeup on before I take the kids to school.
- I’m thankful God was able to use our guest speaker this week who lost several friends as a teenager to comfort our youth last night who lost a friend in an accident this weekend. That’s not a coincidence.
- I’m thankful for my girls this week as one turned another year older and one will in a few weeks.
- I’m thankful for my job and the ability to stay home with the girls.
- I’m thankful God is moving people in our youth council. Not to say I’m ecstatic a couple is gone. I’m just thankful that means He’s preparing us for the right people to do some great things.
Today, as I did last week, I just feel that "life is good". And it feels great.
Friday’s Feast
How much money do you plan to spend this upcoming holiday season?
We usually end up spending $6-700 on gifts.
What was the last television show you watched, and was it good?
Last full episode was Grey’s and I just posted a blog on that. I started watching The Office that I missed but didn’t finish.
If you had to paint the walls of your living room tomorrow, what color would you choose?
I really, really like my green walls. I might go with a gold and tan color if I HAD to repaint.
Main Course
Name something clever or practical you have thought of that should be invented, but hasn’t yet.
Seems like I’m always saying this or that should be invented but I never write my ideas down or I find that out that someone has already done it.
List 3 things you would like to receive as gifts this upcoming holiday season.
iPhone, iPhone, iPhone
J/K – sort of. I would like all kinds of stuff but it’s never $20 things I want, they’re usually a couple hundred dollars. Like I’d really like to replace my dishes with square white Pottery Barn ones. I’d like a new stove. I need a new chair in my living room. I want curtains in my kitchen, living room and sunroom. I want new sweaters/shirts from Ann Taylor. I need some casual winter shoes. I really want my kitchen floors and countertop done which is actually cheaper than a lot that I’ve mentioned. New lighting in several rooms. I need a coupon organizer. I’d love a wireless keyboard. An elliptical machine or someone to pay for my gym membership.
Yeah, so just give me a few thousand dollars and I’d be set.
On the real list is gift cards from Ann Taylor, Starbuck’s, iTunes or Target.
Fall Y’all Bloggy Giveaway Results
It’s time to announce the winner!
I got a random number…
And checked my comments…
And I’m happy to announce…
Wendy Davis is Permission to Peruse’s 2007 Fall Y’all Bloggy Giveaway!!
I’m so excited it picked a fellow CVSer. I’ll be emailing her shortly and letting her know the great news!
Congratulations, Wendy and thanks to all the participants!