Some things should remain private but some things that should seem private should be public.
Purity is a public matter. Our sex lives have an impact on the community around us
SoS 8:4-8:12
She’s saying again not to stir it up until the appropriate time. She’s concerned for her sister who is not yet mature. If she’s pure, they will come alongside her and help fortify her. If she’s “open”, they will put boards up. It’s a family ordeal. Siblings can and should step in.
Your goal is to help your kids love Jesus. Find opportunities to teach Godly principles. Don’t let the world dictate your morals. You are your children’s pastor.
Fathers, date your daughters. Go on regular dates. Once a year, have a very fancy date. Show her what a gentleman does…open doors, pushes in chair. Be physical appropriately.
Youth, treat a woman like you want someone to treat your sister.
Good guys don’t mind community. They don’t mind meeting parents, hanging out with friends, going to church because they have nothing to hide. If a guy isolates you from that, get rid of him.
For those that have a past, repent, take responsibility.
Parents, know your children. Spend time with them. Know what they know. Control behaviors. They are in your home, act like it.
Purity will lead to peace in the home. You can control yourself.